Who Stole Lindsay Lohan's Sex Tape?
Lindsay Lohan's sex tape was stolen. Here's footage, and a possible Audrina Partridge connection.

Bill Zwecker of the Chicago Sun-Times know the "real reason" why Lindsay Lohan is so upset about the theft of a safe from her L.A. house: "the contents included some very incriminating videos and photos, plus legal documents, that LiLo believes could cause embarrassment if made public."
Throw in the fact that the robbery seems to have been an "inside job," and you can understand why LiLo has been feeling so "violated."
According to her Twitter feed:
@duke2001j that's how i know it was not a ROBBERY. electronics weren't taken… just things that a certain old friend knew meant a lot to me
A certain old friend, aye? Who could that be? And while the possibilities are endless (start here), turns out the LAPD already has a pretty good lead.
Despite the rumored sex tape remaining on the down low, footage of Sunday's robbery has surfaced showing one white male and two white females, all between the ages of 18-25, entering through an unlocked door. Not that it narrows down the field of usual suspects in Hollywood, but both women are estimated to weigh around 120 lbs.
What's really interesting about this video, however, is the Audrina Patridge connection.
According to TMZ, law enforcement is looking at the possibility that the burglars who hit Lindsay Lohan are the same people who broke into Audrina Patridge's Los Angeles place last February. Recounted by one official, Lindsay was shown a picture of the man who broke into her place and said he "looked familiar."
Take a look at the footage below, and click on over to TMZ for a side-by-side comparison of the two break-ins.
If you were to create an ideal police line-up, who would you place behind the glass window? The fellow with the baseball cap certainly does look "familiar."
Photo via Bauer-Griffin.