5 Thoughts He Has When You Tell Him How Many Guys You've Slept With
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Every guy knows that a woman's number is a whole lot of hooey. You say ten (after probably throwing up in his mouth a little), and he realizes you meant 17. It's not that you're lying, it's just dudes consider any "crossing the threshold" to be sex. (We were raised on sports in which "breaking the plane" counts as scoring: football, soccer, hockey, goat racing.)
According to our friends over at The Frisky, women have some sexual encounters that they just don't count. But while the whole "number" issue has been batted about more times than anyone should care to recall, the fact is, the lion's share of guys don't spend a lot of time thinking about your number.
But guys do care about sexual history. Here's why.
1. He knows that STDs are way too common.
Guys without junk funk would prefer to keep it that way. While he doesn't want to ask, he's keenly interested in not catching anything that will make him itch, cause pee-related burning, disfigure his mouth, genitalia or anus, give him cancer or compromise his immune system. If you're clean, he's cool.
2. He's checking to see if you've banged anyone famous.
There's a good chance he won't be jealous that you f*cked the lead singer of Arctic Monkeys, but he will wonder if he's actually a cool guy, if you're still in touch, and if he'd like to come to his birthday party.
3. He wants to know what you're into.
In an effort to find out what gets you going, eventually he'll want to know the crazy things you've done in the sack (or in a baby pool full of KY). Talking about your past will also galvanize him to ask if you'd do something he finds to be a risqué, kinky interest.
4. He needs to know if his friends have slept with you.
Sure it's childish, but a guy doesn't like to be blindsided with "Yeah, dude, I hit that," afer proudly telling friends about his new girlfriend. The idea of hearing, "Hell, Lumbergh f*cked her" from a third-party, is ten times worse than knowing you slept with 11 guys during a particularly low self-esteem year in college.
5. He wants to make sure you aren't a prostitute.
Did money ever exchange hands? Not to be too-too judgemental, but gold diggers are scary. Plus, the hip-hop music has made us leery of trying to convert a ho into a housewife.
Just like age is just a number, so is your "number." It's what (and who) you did with those people that counts. Mythical medicinal properties aside, having sex with a virgin isn't that exciting (unless you're in love or whatever).