What Guys Really Think About Your Sex Life [VIDEO]

What turns these guys on? The men reveal some unusual requests...

5 Guys Talk About Sex: What's Sexy, What's Scary

Have you ever wished that you could know what was going on in your partner's mind? Want to find the secret to keeping the passion alive? Well, you're in luck because it's time for some serious guy talk!


What turns these guys on? I bet you'd never guess that it isn't as simple as watching pornography! In this installment of the "That's What He Said" series, the guys vent on juicy topics such as experimentation, dirty talk, and a special "bedtime story" from Rich (aka, What NOT to Tell Your Grandkids!). Trying to figure out how you can spice up your sex life can be super frustrating. So let us offer you some tips on bringing intimacy back into your relationship for GOOD.

It's no surprise that women want to know all of the secrets that their men hide between the sheets. After all, figuring out what they find sexy isn't as easy as it sounds. The guys in this video definitely don't disappoint. Not only do they reveal some unusual requests, they keep it real about what they're really looking for.


Here's a hint. Two words: Dirty talk. Michael says "I like dirty talk.  You can’t talk about dirty talk, you can’t - let’s talk, you can’t do that, it’s got to be spur of the moment.  But sometimes when you guys aren’t- one’s talking dirty and the other one’s just- that just doesn’t work at all."

Get ready to (finally) get an inkling on what he's really thinking in the bedroom.


Steven Fabian:  Dear Abby, you ain’t got nothing on us.  Five guys, five different love stages, endless topics.  Get ready for a little guy guidance.  I’m Steven Fabian and this is “That’s What He Said”. 

Always an importance aspect in every relationship is the bedroom so let’s find out what guys truly think about all that is sex.


Women want to know men’s between the sheets secrets.  What are some things that are scary, what are some things that are sexy?

Giancarlo:  I would like a girl to just like one time like just come in, and then she’s waiting there and she has a laptop, and she’s playing, and it’s just pornography.
Like, I want her to just like throw it at me, and then she has like, she has a robe and there’s like nothing on and then she like sex-attacks me. 

Rich:  The biggest turn-on I ever had once was a girl who wanted me to introduce her to porn.  I’m like, are you kidding me? Come to my chamber. 

Michael:  I like dirty talk.  You can’t talk about dirty talk, you can’t - let’s talk, you can’t do that, it’s gotta be spur of the moment.  But sometimes when you guys aren’t- one’s talking dirty and the other one’s just- that just doesn’t work at all. 


Doug:  This girl had a very nice, lovely speaking voice but when we would get in bed together her voice would drop like five or six registers and she would sound like a very old man shouting.  It was really, “Oh, that feels great”, and “Ahhhh!”.

Rich:  I dated a girl who could, we could not do anything intimate until she washed her face, brushed her teeth.  I’m just like, and this was college.  I mean come on, we all smell like ramen noodles.  And they’re like, “Oh, but my breath stinks”, I’m like bring it.  Let’s make it like the French Revolution.

Yang:  One thing that I really like is just enthusiasm.  Just enthusiasm, like if the girl’s like “Yeah, give it, I can’t get enough, yeah”, you know that’s just like “yeah, I’m with a wildcat!”.

That just like, that deserves a call to the police.


Yang:  I mean not specifically that noise. 

Rich: I will tell my grandchildren this story.  Never forget, I was having, uh, intercourse.

Doug:  Wait wait wait, you’re going to tell your grandchildren the story that starts with “I was having intercourse...”.

Rich:  I was having intercourse because I don’t want to shock them with the sex word.  She turned to me and she goes “ask me what my name is”.  And I said “what’s your name” and she goes “Diane, call me Diane”. She wasn’t Diane. 

Giancarlo:  That would weird me out. 

Rich:  Would it weird you out?  Because all of a sudden I was free to be something that I wasn’t.  So I became Daniel Craig.  No, that’s not true.  That’s the trouble, I think, with relationships sometimes, is that you’re afraid to go outside the boundaries and that was a big problem with my marriage later on.  It was being creative with intimate things and not ever letting that go. 


Yang:  Where is the clitoris?  I’ve heard about this thing.