Lilith & Virgo Bring Powerful Abundance To 2 Zodiac Signs On May 6

Believe you can have it all – and that’s precisely what you will receive.

two women taking a selfie with zodiac signs experiencing abundance Dwayne joe via Unsplash / M.A.R.U, Artulina and Makrushka via Canva

 Self-confidence is a superpower because when you believe in yourself and in making a dream a reality, nothing can get in the way of it happening. This is part of the power of attraction, where you have to move with such confidence, that the universe can’t help but conspire with you to make magic happen. This means that often you make moves in silence, eliminating the noise or distractions of the outside world as you tune into your heart and know that you are meant for a life of abundance.


On Monday, May 6, Lilith in Virgo aligns with Jupiter in Taurus providing an intense boost to your self-confidence and helping you attract greater abundance into your life. Although Lilith carries a rebellious energy, in Virgo it is grounded in the practical as it strives for a state of perfection. For you, this can help you do whatever is necessary to achieve abundance but also provides a certain dedication to making sure you’re taking the steps that will set you up for success. 


As Lilith in Virgo unites with Jupiter in Taurus, the planet of abundance, there is a strong pull of attraction to help you make dramatic shifts in your life by embracing unwavering confidence in your dreams. This is not a time to back down or announce your plans to the world, but simply do all you need to in pursuit of making your wildest dreams a reality.

Lilith and Jupiter bring powerful abundance to two zodiac signs on May 6:

1. Capricorn abundance affirmation: I am confident in achieving success in my life.

 2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On May 6, 2024 Tamara Hall | Canva Pro

The universe works to help you understand that success isn’t only something you achieve in your career or finances and in your personal life. Being successful in your personal life means you balance what feels good. You are rested, happy, and able to enjoy fulfilling relationships with friends, family, and a romantic partner. When you realize you can succeed in every area of your life, you enter a space that attracts abundance.


On Monday, May 6, Lilith in Virgo will align with Jupiter in Taurus creating abundant and new opportunities for you to manifest greater happiness. This may come from setting boundaries at work or spending more time with loved ones. The most important aspect of the energy of Lilith and Jupiter is that you must be confident in knowing exactly what you need and what will create that feeling of success. In many ways, you have already achieved the professional success you always sought after. Now it’s time to shift gears a bit and start investing more into the relationships and pastimes that feel fully abundant.

To make the most of the energy of Lilith and Jupiter prioritize what brings you greatest happiness — even if it means working remotely or calling out for the day. Reflect on what it feels like you need. Maybe it’s a drive to a beautiful shoreline or simply taking your time at your favorite café with someone you love. Let yourself be radical in what you choose to do. Aim for success in your personal life and know you deserve happiness.

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2. Leo abundance affirmation: I am confidently manifesting career recognition and wealth.

2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On May 6, 2024 Tamara Hall | Canva Pro


When you never give up believing in yourself or making your dreams a reality, you make magic happen. The path you are on opens you to new experiences and opportunities. You have a vision for your life that you could never have planned for—but it’s one that you’ve met with courage and confidence every step of the way. This moment helps you see the fruits of your labor manifest. You can sit back and embrace all the abundance you’ve earned.

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Lilith in Virgo aligns with Jupiter in Taurus this Monday, giving you confidence and autonomy. You can manifest greater financial wealth through opportunities in your career. You may have to go against what others had planned for you or hoped, but it’s also a choice that will begin to pay off immediately. Remember what it is that you know you are worth. Be willing to walk away from any table that doesn't offer as much to you. The more you do, the more you will attract what will. Lean into your royal energy, and make your mark on the world. It's what you've dreamed of, and now you get a moment to shine.

Using the energy of Lilith and Jupiter will ask that you go for what you want, whether it’s a position, raise, internship, or accepting admission at a specific college. You don’t have to do anything others think is best for you. Instead, you can design a life brimming with abundance by honoring what you deserve from this life. Be mindful that a financial windfall or gift is possible. Invest in your continued success. You know you are worthy of incredible things, and that is what you'll attract.


Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website.