Science Says If You Wear This During Sex, You'll Have Better Orgasms

Suit up and get down.

orgasm socks WeHeartIt

If you're having trouble in bed when it comes having an orgasm, you aren't alone.

Many folks out there struggle to reach the big "O". Many fake orgasms just in the hopes of pleasing their partners.

These people baffle me, but the path to orgasm never did run smooth I guess.

If you've tried all sorts of things to climax both solo and with a partner, it might be time to try something truly shocking. 

Wear socks when you have sex.



That's right, I know, I had to clutch my pearls, too.

 A study done conducted by Gert Holstege discovered that socks helped make people feel warmth and safe. This soothed the section of the brain called the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex, which are areas that manage all that helpful stuff like panic, fear, anxiety, and danger.  


In her study, participants had sex without socks on. Polled afterwards, only half of them reported having an orgasm. After they were all given socks and had sex again, that number spiked to 80%!

Who knew that fashion's least interesting relation could inspire such heights of ecstasy. 

Bonus points, the socks will keep your tootsies nice and snug when you start to get icy after having sex. ALSO let's talk about how they can help you grip and maneuver in more slippery bedroom type situations. 

I hate wearing socks. 

I hate wearing socks so much that I almost never do.

I hate wearing socks so much that I once accidentally invented them. Seriously. I bought a new pair of gorgeous shoes and about halfway through the day my feet were super sweaty and sore and I was like "man, if only there was some sort of liner you could slip over your feet to keep them comfortable in shoes."


Seriously. I thought that. It was almost as bad as that time Kim Kardashian invented Keeping Up With The Kardashians:




​That said, if I had known earlier in my life that wearing sex in the sack would help me orgasm, I would've been all, "Quick, Carlos, pass the woolen knee socks!"

Also in this particular fantasy I am sexing a man named Carlos who has access to a lot of knee socks I guess. 

The lesson we've learned here today? If you want to orgasm, wear socks.