Kim Kardashian Is Basically A High Class Prostitute

Kim Kardashian was hired as an escort -- and her employer wasn't thrilled with her performance!

Kim Kardashian at the Vienna Opera Ball

Kim Kardashian has made a living off of selling sex.

She became famous when her sex video, Kim K. Superstar, with never-was-turned-almost-has-been Ray J was released, which couldn't have been done without her permission. She's appeared in Playboy and posed nude numerous times for numerous ventures and publications, as well as topless in fiance Kanye West's video for "Bound 2." In one particular episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, she and sister Kourtney had a pineapple-juice drinking race to see who could have the best smelling vagina.


So color us surprised when 81-year-old wealthy businessman Richard Lugner hired Kardashian to be his personal escort to the annual Vienna Opera Ball. And color us more surprised when Kardashian left him disappointed in favor of filming scenes for her show with her mother, Kris Jenner.

Lugner reportedly paid the reality starlet $500,000 to accompany him to the black-tie event, but was peeved with her and her latest face the entire time. "Kim is annoying me because she's not sticking to the program," he griped to Radar Online. "The guest should be with me and not anywhere else that is not agreed upon."


Lugner later called Kardashian a "bitch."

Though what's "agreed upon" is up for debate. Kardashian was rumored to be uncomfortable whenever anyone, Lugner included, asked her to dance, and Lugner is said to have urged the star to "ditch her security." A little creepy, right?

Further, Kardashian was subject to harassment from other guests, including an idiot who still swears wearing blackface isn't racist. (In case you were wondering, it is. Also, if you had to wonder about that, you're probably an idiot, too.)

But here's the rub: When you sell yourself as an escort — which she did, in the most literal sense — you are even more susceptible to situations like this.


If you don't want to deal with mean strangers, fine, but don't put yourself in the public eye every waking moment of your life.

If you don't want to dance with old men, that's fine. But don't sign a contract and accept half a million dollars to do so, then.

If you don't want to look like a prostitute, stop selling yourself. And maybe stop listening to your mother, because chances are she arranged this whole thing.

And if you don't want your daughter to repeat your mistakes, stop filming them for profit.