3 Zodiac Signs Experience Strong Emotions On December 4, 2023

Here's the deal: during Mars square Lilith, we are bratty.

a man is frustrated on december 4, 2023 SHOTPRIME, Robert Gruszecki from Pexels, Suphansa Subruayying from Getty Images | Canva Pro

December 4, 2023, is all about Mars square Lilith. What does this mean? Well, what three zodiac signs can definitely look forward to is a disruption in thought and a tendency to see the negative.

Oh, what fun. Well, not really. Here's the deal: during Mars square Lilith, we are bratty. We want to get someone's goat. We want to stir the pot ... and that's exactly what we do.

In love, we will be the ones to start something up that might escalate into a full-blown lover's spat. In business, we make a move that shows that we are irresponsible and flighty. When it comes to our health, we may binge a little too much, thinking we have the right to do whatever we want with our bodies.




During the transit to Mars square Lilith, we want to pick a fight. Road rage is big on a day like this, so sincerely, calm yourself down before getting on the road.

Don't look for trouble because, during Mars square Lilith, you will absolutely find it. If you open the book of knowledge, be prepared to find the burden of it right there. Be careful on this day, especially if you are one of these three zodiac signs.


Three zodiac signs will have rough horoscopes on December 4, 2023:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

Looking for trouble is definitely NOT what you do with your life, but protecting yourself is. You might find that on this day, December 4, 2023, you feel threatened for some reason and that your gut tells you to stand up and defend yourself as if you are being attacked. Of course, this is all your perception, and during the transit of Mars square Lilith, your perception is definitely askew. You aren't making clear judgments on this day.

This is mainly because you are unable to tap into your core energy. You may find that during Mars square Lilith, it's hard to center yourself, and this kind of feeling has you on edge, thinking that everything is a potential threat. While it may all be in your mind, that's not going to prevent you from acting accordingly. In this case, on December 4, 2023, you will be the first person to lash out at friends, family and loved ones.

You don't like feeling this way, as you are allergic to negative energy, but Mars square Lilith has you pumped up with this idea that you have somehow been threatened and that you need to stand up and defend your turf. The good part is that you are among loving people who understand that you're going through a hard time. You won't be prodded unnecessarily by people who care, and this will give you ample space to unwind and regroup.


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2. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20)

You may find that you have very strong, over-the-top feelings on this date, December 4, 2023, due to the transit that looms large. Mars square Lilith is not an altogether kind transit. It may have you feeling as though you are being threatened and that you need to stand up and somehow prevent something from happening, something that you feel threatens your world, your creative process or even your love life.

Right now, on this day, you may go through a sort of catharsis where you run yourself ragged with thought, only to come out on the other side, completely clearheaded and ready to go. It could potentially be one of those 'dark night of the soul' moments for you, where the outcome is great, but getting there is the hard part. This day is all about the realizations that you will use to change your life from here on in.


Mars square Lilith may have you feeling angry ... at a memory. You know you've been down this road before and you've started to keep this kind of thing to yourself because you know how others get when you start going over your 'memories.' You might end up rehashing an old argument, in your mind, something that took place between you and an ex ... and the only place this takes you is deeper into the angry place you've built for yourself. Don't make this a permanent installation.

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3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

One of the things that gets on your nerves, more than anything else, is the idea that you know something is not going to go through for you, but you refuse to accept it. This is more than likely something to do with love and romance, and it may mean that you are grappling with the idea that the love you want is not the love that you will get. Not now, or ever. This is a concept you do not want to face and during Mars square Lilith on December 4, 2023, you will become very hostile about it.


You feel that if you are angry, then your anger will cover all hidden emotions and that you won't have to deal with the truth. The thing is, you will convince yourself that it's not over and that there's still hope with this person. However, if a friend suggests that you wake up and smell the proverbial coffee, you will lash out so hard at them that you may end up losing the friendship.

You have to pace yourself through this day, Aquarius, as this transit, Mars square Lilith, will have you wanting to do anything and everything to avoid thinking about the truth. This means you'll have frantic energy to play with, and that's what could potentially get you in trouble. This is a hard day for you. While it doesn't have to be this bad, you may be at a loss for coping mechanisms. You will get past it and all will be fine. It's just an adjustment period, that's all.

RELATED: How Each Zodiac Sign Deals With The Hardest Moments Of Their Life


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
