6 Zodiac Signs Most Likely To Experience Abundance In December 2023

There are a few zodiac signs that will see the stars align this month, literally.

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December will be a critical month for fixed signs and earth signs since Jupiter, the planet of abundance, will station direct on December 30th in the sign of Taurus. The month begins with the Sun and Mars in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, giving the collective inspiration and optimism. Venus will also be in the sign of Scorpio, making these signs center on financial abundance and deeper connections in their relationships. As we move closer to 2024, the supportive Jupiter and Saturn transits will allow them to feel confident in their decisions as they continue to reach their goals.


Zodiac signs most likely to experience abundance in December 2023

2023 has been a time of personal growth for these signs and the theme will continue for 2024. See how the energy will impact them.

1. Taurus



It's been a big year for you and this month will allow you to reflect on your successes and the connections you have made. December will set the pace for more abundance and renewed energy just in time for 2024, especially with Venus in Scorpio making your romantic life feel passionate and grounded. Expect transparency from your romantic partners and friends. The transits for this month might make you a lot more nostalgic and social, so if you need to reconnect with friends, December seems like the perfect month to do so.


Saturn is making friendly aspects to your sign, making you more determined, focused, and energetic. There is a lot of healing during this time that will enable you to get your focus back together and you are feeling supported so this moment will allow you to rise again.

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2. Leo



You will shine brighter than usual when Jupiter stations direct, giving you the optimism and determination to tackle any challenges. This is an era where you will feel praised and seen by people at work or school. December will be a very potent month for fixed signs like Leo because it will enable them to find direction and make any changes to plans that have not been falling into place. Home will be a great place where you can recharge and recalibrate as you plan your next steps. Family ties grow stronger since you can establish better communication.


Sagittarius season at the beginning of December can make you feel very romantic and if you are dating, it could be an interesting time to meet new people. December 29th, when Venus enters Sagittarius, will be an adventurous time for those in relationships as you get to know your partner and see their wonderful qualities shine through.

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3. Virgo



At the beginning of December, you will feel calmer and focused as you stay away from the spotlight. Home becomes a place where you can work, plan, and concentrate the most during this time. With Jupiter stationing direct, you are going to continue learning and researching whatever projects or topics you have been studying and perfecting since Jupiter entered Taurus earlier this year. You see the results of your hard work during this transit as you experience an evolution in your creative process.


Having Saturn opposing your sign has brought about some revelations but this is a familiar energy that has allowed you to grow and master finding balance in your romantic relationships. December will be a time when you gain more confidence to start a new chapter right before the new year begins.

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4. Scorpio



There is a lot of healing, growth, and many opportunities to have deeper connections when Jupiter goes direct on December 30th. It is a time when you can experience a positive shift in your relationships as your communication gets better and you feel an almost psychic connection with your partner.


December is also a time when Venus will be in your sign, helping you feel a lot more confident in yourself. This Venus transit has you more keen on honoring your value system. There will be periods where you will show yourself a lot of self-love and care.

Having the Sun entering the sign of Capricorn later in the month will be a time when you could revisit some old projects and try to work on them again since this month will have you inspired and flowing with new ideas.

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5. Capricorn



Work seems more sustainable and you may even give yourself opportunities to rest with the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12th forcing you to look after yourself and relax at home with family. Having the Full Moon in Cancer happening on December 26th will prove to be a game changer for you since you will look at love in a new way. Not only will you feel a good and more resilient connection in romance, Saturn will offer you guidance and the relationships you have now will allow you to elevate and take things to new heights. Jupiter will also go direct on December 30, which could bring praise from superiors at work or school. The transit will also add more optimism to romantic pursuits.


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6. Aquarius



You will feel Jupiter in Taurus’ impact, giving you a lot of focus on self-care, healing, and personal growth. The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12 will allow you to see how your ambitious nature has helped you receive the accolades you deserve. This time last year, Saturn was in your sign and now you get to see how things are flowing with much more ease.


On December 29th, Venus will enter the sign of Sagittarius, adding more excitement and allowing you to make new friendships and if you are single, you could meet someone interesting at this time that aligns with your philosophy. Jupiter stations direct on December 30th, giving you the perfect opportunity to review your notes and see your growth during this transit. It can feel like a congratulatory period, where you take things with ease as you look ahead to see what wonderful things 2024 has reserved for you.

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
