4 Zodiac Signs Most Affected By Mercury Retrograde In Capricorn 2023

Another Mercury retrograde is upon us, lasting from December 13, 2023 to January 1, 2024.

woman with eyes closed, mercury, capricorn symbol Vladislav Nahorny via Unsplash / Sickmoose, Morfin And Icons Mind / Canva

As we get closer to the new year, we will see the surprises Capricorn season will bring. One of those is Mercury retrograde beginning on December 13th, 2023. The planet of communication will station direct on January 1st, 2024.



Because this is a transit impacting cardinal and earth signs, its focus is on work and career. These signs could feel challenges from bosses or teachers, especially if they have been avoiding responsibilities. Mercury wants all of us to stay on track and continue to practice patience and diligence.


Zodiac signs most affected by Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn 2023

RELATED: Meaning & Effects Of Mercury Retrograde In Capricorn 2023

1. Capricorn

The transit is occurring in your sign, making you feel its effects the strongest. Getting things done during the next several weeks can feel challenging and you may be unmotivated.

Nevertheless, you are feeling quite optimistic during this transit. Your focus for the next several weeks could be on healing relationships, analyzing your career goals and getting more connected with your creative projects. As long as you do not initiate anything new, things should be fine. When Mercury is retrograde do your best to work on things that you have outstanding and do your best to stay ahead of the game.


2. Aries

This will be a period of personal growth and building your self-confidence. The transit is happening in your house of career and professional goals, so the focus now could be on assembling your career or continuing to learn and grow at school. There is a lot of care during this transit on the work you want to do.

Feeling blocked or limited at school or work could be a manifestation of this transit as Mercury slows you down making you more aware of your relationship with authority figures. It is best to go with the flow and not be impulsive. Your resilience during this time can help you level up.

RELATED: How Mercury Retrograde Affects Each Zodiac Sign's Relationship

3. Cancer

Opening up to romantic partners could feel quite difficult during this transit with Mercury retrograde pushing you to keep things inside. Relationships will take center stage for you but Mercury retrograde could be an excellent time to focus on learning to be more patient with those you love.


You could expect to see old friends or partners. On a positive note, Mercury may also make you social and vibrant. There is also a lot of inspiration flowing for you during this time. 

4. Libra

During this time you could feel overwhelmed with responsibilities since your foundation and home take center stage. Mercury will push you to learn more, so going within and researching may be your priority.

There is a need for mastery during this transit which will make you a lot more conscious of what you need to do to get better at any skill. Working towards your goal could be your priority during this time and some friends could feel neglected. Make some time with those you care about to incorporate some fun and joy.


RELATED: 4 Underrated Benefits Of Mercury Retrograde

A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.