3 Zodiac Signs Experience A Quiet (But Powerful) Transformation When Uranus Moves Into The Heart Of The Sun On May 12

Uranus cazimi in Taurus on May 12, 2024, begins a brand-new cycle.

woman next to sun and zodiac signs giano currie via Unsplash / JMBee Studio and KT Paper Designs via Canva

Uranus cazimi occurs on Sunday, May 12, in Taurus as the planet of awakening and sudden change travels into the heart of the sun.

Uranus acts like a lightning bolt in your life, striking in the most unexpected places and changing everything overnight. In Taurus, Uranus has sought to remove the structures in your life that are not for your greatest good — but this can be a slow process as it’s not always comfortable to accept that not everything you want will help you achieve your destiny. As Uranus travels into the heart of the Taurus sun, there will be an energy of purification, clarity, and the ability to suddenly see unexpected changes as the very means to achieve your dreams. 

@astrological_counseling Cazimi coming in HOT ! get ready for new expressions and chaning our past patterns through being more of our unique and indivodual self. Those who are psychically connected my also experience this with many downloads, messages from spirit or flashes of sudden insight. #cazimi #astrologytiktok #uranus #divineinspiration ♬ original sound - astrological_counseling

As this cazimi approaches, it’s important to reflect on what the process of Uranus in Taurus (which began in 2019) has represented, knowing that a brand-new cycle is arriving so that you can ground yourself and prepare to sow the seeds of success, wealth or even love.


3 zodiac signs experiencing a quiet (but powerful) transformation during the Uranus cazimi On May 12

1. Virgo: Greater wealth and success

Uranus has been moving through your house of wealth since 2019, helping you reevaluate your income streams and how you can improve your finances for future abundance. Many of the changes that Uranus has delivered upset the status quo and created resistance because you have been guided in a different direction than you had planned for. However, by beginning to trust in this process, you have already seen your financial abundance grow and can look forward to continued success.

The Uranus cazimi in Taurus on Sunday, May 12 brings a new beginning in how you approach money and achieving success. There will be an awakening moment around a lucrative idea or offer you’ve received which will come by surprise, but which you are being guided to take. You desire a life of financial stability where you can trust that you can maintain and grow your lifestyle. By remaining aware of the offers that may arise, or even unexpected changes in this area of your life, you can view them in a more positive light as you trust that everything that is happening is for your highest good.

To prepare for this energy, especially in your house of finances, it’s important to settle any debts and ensure that you are creating a foundation that sets you up to receive greater abundance. Reflect on what has occurred in your finances and realm of success since 2019 as well as the unexpected redirection you’ve been guided to take. While you can’t predict exactly what Uranus cazimi will bring into your life, trusting that it will help you increase your wealth will make it easier to have faith in the process.

RELATED: The Complete 2024 Virgo Horoscope, Broken Down By Month


2. Leo: Career achievements and recognition

Your career is a part of your life that you take immense pride in as you can demonstrate your strengths and achieve the recognition that you deserve. Since Uranus first shifted into Taurus in 2019, your career has also seen enormous shifts asking you to reflect on whether you are being fully seen and appreciated by those you work for. This has resulted in job, title or even company changes as you’ve sought out a place that feels like a better fit for you, which also means a situation where you can feel recognized for your strengths.

On Sunday, May 12, the Uranus cazimi in Taurus helps you move past the awkward phase of transformation and into a brand-new cycle where you can feel confident in your professional decisions. The energy of the cazimi will bring a promotion, accolades, bonus or other type of recognition and success that can aid in confirming your previous decisions and all the work you have put into this area of your life. As Uranus travels into the heart of the sun, it begins a new cycle, one that will be significant as Uranus shifts into Gemini in 2025, making this next year an incredibly potent time to start receiving greater success through the previous choices that you’ve made.

Take time to reflect on the professional choices that you’ve made for your life since 2019, including those changes that you may have resisted or even turned down. Try to develop a deeper understanding of what you want to continue to build in your career and if there is anywhere you can invest extra energy to really help you rise to the top. Uranus cazimi may bring some unexpected opportunities and shifts, but knowing where you want to go and how you want to approach matters differently can help you continue to lay the groundwork for future success.

RELATED: The Complete 2024 Leo Horoscope, Broken Down Month-By-Month


3. Scorpio: Relationships and love

The past year has been wrought with plenty of lessons involving knowing your worth with Taurus being activated by the North Node, Jupiter and Uranus. As much as you crave love and affection, you also tend to carry a mysterious romanticism that attracts you to those who don’t (and can’t) truly appreciate and value your worth. With the North Node, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, you have been releasing what is no longer working so you can create space for the type of healthy high-value love that you now know you deserve. But as Uranus cazimi occurs, you will see dramatic changes that will change your life forever.

Uranus cazimi in Taurus on Sunday, May 12, occurs in your house of relationships, helping you begin a brand-new cycle as your romantic life becomes less about releasing or dismantling and more about what you now choose to build. It’s important to stay focused on the lessons that the North Node and Jupiter taught you during their time in Taurus as you can no longer simply accept what is offered. Instead, promise yourself you will only invest your time, energy and love into those who are truly worthy of you. 

As you have been able to develop healthy boundaries and recognize how you deserve to be treated, the narrative has shifted from wondering whether or not you're worthy to recognizing that not everyone may be worthy of you. This new sense of empowerment has you leading with a completely different determination and value and will help you attract the love you have always deserved.

In the lead-up to Uranus cazimi, take time to reflect on the romantic or even karmic lessons you have learned since 2019 and how your perspective of love and relationships is different because of that. The more you reflect on how this process has changed you, the more focused and confident you will be in setting your intention for a new love, deepening a new connection or even healing a previous relationship. The most important aspect is to ensure that you don't feel like you have to prove anything or work overtime to receive what you are worth because the love meant for you will see that naturally.


RELATED: The Complete 2024 Scorpio Horoscope, Broken Down By Month

Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.