What It Means If Your Venus And Mars Zodiac Signs Are The Same

When these two planets come together in a person's birth chart, it points to the kind of person who always gets what they want.

venus, mars, zodiac wheel, woman putting on lipstick Polina Shirokova via Unsplash / sickmoose, Chikovnaya And Hadiiiben's Images Via Canva

It's an interesting phenomenon when someone is born with the same Sun and Moon sign or the same Sun, Moon, and Rising sign. But did you know that having the same Venus and Mars sign in your birth chart also reveals something very interesting about you?

Venus in astrology is the planet of love, charm, good fortune, and social attraction. It's the energy we tap into when we revel in a romantic partnership and engage with our sensual side. Mars in astrology is the planet of war, ambition, personal drive, and actions. It's the energy we tap into when we engage with someone sexually or when we pursue someone or something with focused dedication.


What it means if you have the same Venus and Mars signs

When these two planets come together in a person's birth chart, you can rest assured they are the kind who always get what they want — and the zodiac signs of Venus and Mars will just reveal how they go about doing it.

RELATED: What It Means When Your Sun And Rising Signs Are The Same

Venus and Mars in Aries

When you have Mars and Venus in Aries, you are a straightforward individual who moves like an arrow to get what you want. Nothing and no one can stop you when you make up your mind to have something. You are even immune from the usual pitfall of Aries energy of trying to bulldoze an obstacle instead of going around it.


The law of attraction works like magic for you. The more confidence you have in yourself, the easier it will be for you to tap into your natural manifestation abilities with this birth chart placement.

Venus and Mars in Taurus

When you have Mars and Venus in Taurus, you are a laid-back and easy-going individual. You don't like drama and you hate conflict with vengeance. Weirdly, though, you enjoy watching drama from a distance, especially if it's the reality TV kind. The only carrot that can lure you into action is the draw of luxury, beauty, and the chance to indulge your sensual side.



Venus and Mars in Gemini

When you have Mars and Venus in Gemini, you are one of the luckiest people ever! From making friends easily to securing opportunities that overlook others, you have a lot of advantages over your peers in the social arena. You also have boatloads of natural charm and charisma, which can easily secure you leadership positions in fields that rely on public presence, communications, and relationship building.


You have to guard your self-esteem and protect yourself from manipulations and peer pressure, though. Otherwise, this placement can become a curse.

RELATED: Which Astrology Matches Are Perfect For Love, By Mars And Venus Signs

Venus and Mars in Cancer

When you have Mars and Venus in Cancer, you are a sweet, sentimental individual who comes across as very protective of their loved ones. Your heart is your biggest asset and you like to make decisions that feel right to you deep inside. Your approach in life is heart-centered, but no one can call you weak.



Venus and Mars in Leo

When you have Mars and Venus in Leo, you are a people magnet. The spotlight follows you wherever you go. Depending on the rest of your placements, you may either enjoy this or find this annoying. But if you put your mind to it, you can easily harness the powers bestowed on you by these to achieve extraordinary levels of fame and fortune and also become a trendsetter along the way.


Venus and Mars in Virgo

When you have Mars and Venus in Virgo, you are naturally very measured about the way you live your life and the decisions you make. You are practical, action-oriented and pay attention to the details. You are the type to figure out a way to get the most out of a student scholarship, employee benefits and even good deals from your housing association roster. You are practical in love, too, and want someone who wants something for the long run and understands the basic realities of life.

RELATED: How To Dress Like Your Venus Sign & Feel Effortlessly Attractive

Venus and Mars in Libra

When you have Mars and Venus in Libra, your natural charm and charisma can be next level. Whenever you walk into a room, people know that someone important has stepped in, even if they don't know you personally.

You are a manifestation magnet and can easily use the law of attraction to get your desires, including opportunities and good fortune. A lot of people can sense this about you and are drawn to you, hoping that a connection with you will help them out in some way in the long run. The way you look and move is extremely attractive to everyone. You can even change society's beauty standards if you set your mind to it!




Venus and Mars in Scorpio

When you have Mars and Venus in Scorpio, you are the one to watch wherever you go. You have a natural animal magnetism about you that draws people to you like moths to a flame. But they usually are more interested in engaging with you sexually than in being in a true partnership, so if you want a romantic commitment, watch out for the tell-tale signs.

Your strength of will, drive, and hunger for what you desire is out of this world. This placement makes it easy to learn self-defense and become proficient in martial arts.

Venus and Mars in Sagittarius

When you have Mars and Venus in Sagittarius, you are an easygoing individual who loves to learn wherever you go. When you don't understand something, you are naturally curious and try to find out. This placement is really good for pursuing higher education, completing a Ph.D., and dedicating one's life to learning, exploration, and satisfying curiosity. You are unlikely to fall in love with someone who doesn't share these qualities. You also have a high possibility of marrying a foreigner or living abroad because of this placement.




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Venus and Mars in Capricorn

When you have Mars and Venus in Capricorn, you are an ambitious soul who knows how to get to the top, whether through pure determination or by tapping into your extensive network. You don't like to leave anything to chance and will painstakingly try to arrange all the dominos in order before you set off the chain reaction.


You may not be naturally sensual, but you understand the value a romantic partner can have on one's life. So you always aim to either be part of a power couple or have an extremely supportive partner who follows your lead. You will never tolerate a romantic partner who brings down your reputation or someone who is impractical about life.

Venus and Mars in Aquarius

When you have Mars and Venus in Aquarius, you are an oddball through and through. From the activities that bring you joy to the romantic partners you fall for to the people you befriend, everything about you is eccentric and unconventional. Oddly enough, if you were to relocate to a place where your lifestyle is the norm, you would suddenly start behaving like the folks you left behind because that would be unconventional for your new setting.

Venus and Mars in Pisces

When you have Mars and Venus in Pisces, you are a spiritual soul in one way or another. Some of you may literally lead a highly spiritual or religious lifestyle and be part of a larger community that follows the same principles, covenants, and so on.

In love, you look for a fated connection and an attraction that seems to transcend the physical world. You have an open-minded approach to life and have strong powers of empathy and intuition. 


RELATED: The Type Of People That Find You Attractive, According To Your Venus Sign

Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.