About We Love Dates

We Love Dates is a worldwide online dating site and dating advice blog headquartered in London. That's right, we are sharing the love worldwide-members from the UK, US, South Africa, Canada, Ireland and Australia are all currently, and successfully, using our dating site to find love! Our motto is "love is all around"...and well, if you're on our site it definitely is!

Our popular dating advice blog is your one stop shop for online dating tips, relationship advice, news and personal stories that will comfort you, make you laugh and encourage you on your online dating journey. Trust us when we say "we've been there, dated that." Despite what you may have heard, online dating should be fun, and that is our goal at We Love Dates.

We love making new friends, and we're always connected, so please reach out to us! Find us on Facebook and Twitter or shoot us an email at anytime.

We Love Dates, and it's our goal that you will too!

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