4 Unusual Habits That Will Put You Above 98% Of Employees

Discipline can be hard to achieve but by changing your habits, you'll become a master.

Sink or swim, consequences Ron Lach, Mariana Montrazi | Unsplash

Here are 4 tiny habits that will put you above 98% of employees:

1. Make the alternative painful.

You will be disciplined when you drastically minimize your options like this. It’s do or bust.

How to make the alternative painful in the modern age?

  • Pay an accountability partner money if you fail.
  • Make your progress public, so you avoid falling short when everyone’s watching.
  • Burn your ships — meaning you have no plan B or escape plan. You either succeed or face the pain of defeat.



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2. Forget ‘discipline' altogether.

A lot of discipline is hard because the concept is deathly tedious. Few want to be ‘disciplined’ because the idea inherently suggests doing what you don’t want to do.

But people want to do what they want to do. So mold your world so that the hard stuff — the stuff worth doing — becomes enjoyable. This means understanding that pain is fun if it’s leading to the right things — to magnificence. Feel the beautiful warmth of your hands bleeding. Turn heads because you’re the only person out here running outside with your shirt off when it’s raining.


Now, what was it Mike Tyson once said? Ah yes: “My definition of discipline is doing what you hate to do, but do it like you love it.”

​RELATED: 3 Unorthodox Things The Most Disciplined People Do Daily

3. Get aggressive.

Discipline is incredibly unappetizing to people who tread aimlessly on this Earth. 

You’re different because you frequently reach into your aggression reserves like someone fighting for something real.

  • What’s real for you?
  • What’s worth fighting for?
  • Who’s worth fighting for?

That’s what aggression is made for. Use it to charge forward like you have a death wish. In this state, with this vision, ‘discipline’ won’t even be something that requires any force.




​RELATED: You Are Not Lazy Or Undisciplined. You Have Internal Resistance.

4. Think less and tap into the abyss.

This is hard for overthinkers.

But all the answers lie beneath all your shoulds, coulds, maybes, and perhaps.

  • Your thoughts know nothing.
  • Your innate Universal intelligence knows everything.

It’s the stuff that points you to the truth when you feel it in your gut like a ping in a pinball machine. We’re all fortunate enough to be connected to inner knowing, so stop blocking yourself off from that junk by thinking about everything.


It's a circus up there if you start grinding. If you feel nervous, you’re overthinking it.

If you’re doubtful about your capabilities, you’re overthinking it.

If you feel in any way less than capable, invigorated, and any less than a human exploring his zone of genius, you’re overthinking it.


You must develop the habit of using thoughts as a tool as needed but dropping your tightness around them as needed too. That’s when true creativity opens up. When you’re plugged into this kind of free-flowing intelligence, you won’t need discipline. You’ll just do it when it needs to be done. You’ll be who you were meant to be all along.

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Alex Mathers is a writer and coach who helps you build a money-making personal brand with your knowledge and skills while staying mentally resilient.