10 Unusual Habits That Will Make You More Elite Than 98% Of People

Small actions lead to major feats in confidence.

Confident woman Rajaa Lemnari | Pexels 

By making small and simple changes, we can impact our self-perception and energize ourselves quickly.

These ideas have always helped me, and they will propel you far beyond the masses.

Here are 10 unusual habits that will make you more elite than most people:

1. Stand a fraction taller.

Our sense of confidence and posture is a two-way highway. Feel confident, and our posture tends to respond.

Walk tall, and we color our vibe with confidence.


So start with good posture.

Ten little actions that make you more confident than 95% of people

Photo: RedWolf/Pexels

2. Focus on making others feel more confident.

When we feel like we lack confidence, the issue — nine times out of ten — is that we’re thinking about ourselves and how we’re coming across too much.


It isn’t all about you.

You’ll feel notably better when you focus on helping other poor souls feel more confident.

Do that, and you won’t even have to worry about your confidence, which will improve by itself.

3. Audit your energy.

We can’t reach our most significant potential if we feel like microwaved cat puke.

Everything starts with mastering energy.

This means doing everything possible to develop a healthier body that uses energy properly.

We do this by improving our sleep, exercise, and diet and decreasing the stuff we allow in, like scrolling on Instagram or being obsessed with corn dogs.

An energy audit lists all those things that are bad for you and those that lift you.


Write one up, so you have awareness on how to optimize.

RELATED: A Simple Practice To Help You Feel More Confident And Worthy Of Love

4. Cut out one bad habit.

In the book The Slight Edge, Jeff Olson talks about how we’re either moving in an upward or downward spiral.

It’s binary.

By identifying one bad habit that holds you back and taking action to decrease or quit, you’re pushing the wheel in the upward spiral direction.

Taking responsibility like this, even on something seemingly small, will impact all other areas of your life.

5. Slow down.

What message does rushing around like a lizard on heroin transmit to others and yourself?

That’s right. You’re out of control.


Slowing down physically, right down to your breathing rate, does a marvelous thing.

It calms you down while simultaneously making life easier because it’s no longer a blur, AND you give off a chill, higher-status vibe.

Ten little actions that make you more confident than 95% of people

Photo: Ron Lach/Pexels

RELATED: Top 5 Confidence Killers That Hold Even The Most Secure People Back


6. Simplify.

There’s an interesting correlation I’ve seen between confidence and simplicity.

Simplicity doesn’t necessarily dictate confidence, but by reducing the options we face, the less is on our minds and the more success we will likely see in any one thing.

It’s easy to lose faith and get frustrated when we make our lives overly complicated.

Sit down and ask yourself where in your life you can simplify things.

You’ll find many ways to do so, and your confidence will rise as you create order in your world.

7. Do one hard thing within 5 minutes.

Many of us feel bad because we’ve got all this crap we have to do that we’ve been avoiding.


We lose faith in ourselves, especially when we see that pile of socks growing larger.

Make it easy.

Identify one thing you’ve been avoiding that you can tackle in five minutes.

Now you have belief and momentum that will feed into your subsequent actions.

8. Affirm your awesomeness.

Stand up tall, walk to the nearest mirror, look at yourself square in the eye, and say:

‘I am a warrior.’

Say it 8 times and feel your inner warrior spirit rise.

Ten little actions that make you more confident than 95% of people


Photo: Arina Krasnikova/Pexels

RELATED: 3 Limiting Beliefs That Sabotage Your Confidence

9. Let go of self-criticism.

As I’ve said many times, confidence isn’t a place to get to — it’s a place to come from. We’re already naturally ‘confident.’

It’s just that we cover it with all the critical thinking about ourselves that we entertain.


If we believe our thoughts, we will feel bad and act scared.

Letting go of these thoughts and returning to what’s right in front of you in the present moment is a habit.

But it’s vital.

10. Forgive your past self.

Many of us hold lots of shame and regret about things we did in our past. We’re slaves to the past and our lack of forgiveness.

To forgive yourself, you need to see why you had very rational reasons for doing what you did. We’re always doing the best we can, given the state of mind we have at the moment.

What were your reasons?

Write them down.

Understanding is the root of forgiveness, a clearer mind, and thus confidence.

Don’t let your life go by without realizing and expressing your brilliance.


Ten little actions that make you more confident than 95% of people

Photo: Nadin Sh/Pexels

RELATED: 4 Ways To Be Confident When It Comes To Actually Achieving Your Goals

Alex Mathers is a writer and coach who helps you build a money-making personal brand with your knowledge and skills while staying mentally resilient.