5 Things People With Anxiety Disorders Say Often

If you say these things when you feel anxious, you definitely are not alone.

anxious woman looking through window BAEbfT7zPbc via Canva

Do you find your anxious thoughts spiraling out of control? Does your anxiety have you in a chokehold that you can't even function straight? If you feel this way, know that you're not alone.

According to psychotherapist and best-selling author Joshua Fletcher, those negative thoughts aren't as abnormal as you may think.

In a recent TikTok post, Fletcher shared five things people with anxiety disorders tend to say often, and what we can learn from them.




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5 Things People With Anxiety Disorders Often Say

1. "I miss how I used to feel."

It's not uncommon for individuals experiencing anxiety to reminisce about a time when they felt more carefree or less burdened by worry. This sentiment often arises from a longing for the sense of ease and comfort they once enjoyed.


It's important to recognize that fluctuations in emotional states are a normal part of the human experience, and seeking support to manage anxiety can lead to greater overall well-being and resilience.

2. "I don’t feel like myself."

Expressing sentiments like "I don't feel like myself" is a common refrain among those grappling with various challenges, including anxiety.



Such feelings may stem from a perceived misalignment between one's current emotional state and their usual sense of identity or demeanor. It's essential to acknowledge that fluctuations in mood and self-perception are natural. Seeking assistance from trusted individuals or professionals can help you navigate these periods of uncertainty and discomfort.


You can also try to journal your thoughts and feelings to better understand yourself and what you are going through.

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3. "I always feel fear and a sense of doom."

Encountering a perpetual cycle of fear and an ominous sense of impending doom is a common struggle for individuals navigating anxiety. These emotions can permeate various aspects of daily life, casting a shadow over even routine activities.

By reaching out to a mental health professional and actively learning new coping strategies, you can gradually ease these distressing feelings, paving the way for a more peaceful state of mind.


4. "I have all these strange symptoms."

Individuals grappling with anxiety often express bewilderment over experiencing an array of seemingly inexplicable symptoms and physical sensations such as rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, or dizziness, which can exacerbate worries about their health.

It's important to understand that these symptoms are common manifestations of anxiety and are typically not indicative of a serious medical condition. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals can provide reassurance and strategies for managing these symptoms effectively.

5. "I’m sick of feeling how I feel."

Feeling at the end of the road, you are overwhelmed by everything. You're tired of how you feel and everything feels hopeless.

woman with anxiety trying to breathePhoto: PeopleImages.com - Yuri A / Shutterstock


If this is you, know that you're not alone.

Fletcher says, “You’re often on the hamster wheel of anxiety disorders, which is usually driven by our behavior and our beliefs about anxiety, and our understanding. Just know that you’re not alone, your brain isn’t broken, and you will get to a place that you want to be.”

Have patience with yourself and know that these feelings are temporary. They will pass and things will get better.


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Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's degree in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, and family topics.