Are You Psychic? The Simple Way To Tell If You Have A Sixth Sense

Tune in to the sum of your experiences.

Intuitive woman. Radu Florin | Canva

We've all been in situations where we feel something isn't quite right. You adjust your decisions and, for example, take an alternate route to that important meeting.

Instinct, gut feeling, perception, or sixth sense, whatever you choose to call it, every one of us has had moments when a feeling proved to be accurate, whether it was an intuitive talent or a lucky guess, the feeling leaves us wondering if a sixth sense is only an "acquisition of wisdom devoid of using rational reasoning and logic?" Maybe, maybe not!


Are you psychic? The simple way to tell if you have a sixth sense:

1. You have incredible observational skills

If dependable research studies are correct, the sixth sense is an amalgamation of past data: an increased sense of observations and a skill to look beyond the clear and immediate reality. And, when you find yourself in a crisis or emergency, your sixth sense can be your first line of defense.

According to research by Professor Gerard Hodgkinson of the Centre for Organizational Strategy, Learning and Change at Leeds University Business School, intuition is the product of your brain's information processing system. Several other research reports have also put forward similar theories.


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2 You feel like you have two minds: conscious and unconscious

The general idea of these studies can perhaps best be explained like this, the mind is divided into two parts — conscious and un(sub)conscious, as described in a study by cognitive psychologist Axel Cleeremans. Your conscious mind can process up to nine ideas or thoughts at a time, whereas your subconscious mind can deal with approximately two million! The information brought to your cognizant or conscious mind is only a fraction of what is processed by your subconscious.

Your premonition about not taking a particular route to work and later realizing that you were right (e.g., had you not followed your gut feeling, you would have been caught in an enormous traffic jam) has been proven to be a real phenomenon.

It is probable you heard something on the radio regarding major street repair work going on in that district a few days back or overheard chunks of discussion by colleagues that did not register in your conscious mind, but your unconscious mind remembered the information. So, what you thought was a gut feeling was a conclusion built on the information that your unconscious mind already possessed.


She holds one hand parallel to her face, stars and moons are projected her face and arms Zolotarevs via Shutterstock

RELATED: What It Really Means To Trust Your Intuition (And Why You Should Do It)

3. You have innate intuition about things

In technical terms, the sixth sense is the consequence of our past experiences. So, is sixth sense a science? The best answer to this question is that although the scientific community may not go so far as to call intuition a science, a review of research in the Journal of Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease does suggest that your gut feeling may be founded on solid information.


Remember, when you find yourself in crisis, you can trust your intuitive self and draw upon the powerful combination of your inner wisdom, experience, and knowledge to make the right decisions when you need them. You can always go back after the crisis and analyze what you could do differently the next time.

But for now, you need to trust your intuition. And finally, don't beat yourself up over a bad decision. Anything you learn after the crisis is new knowledge and therefore isn't relevant to your past decision-making.

Until next time, embrace your inner wisdom.


RELATED: 8 Ways To Sharpen Your Intuition So Decisions Come Really Easy For You

Karen Kleinwort is a Life Coach and Business Coach who writes about relationships and life's mysteries.