Kick In The Ass Coaching Moment
Welcome to my end of the year rant on what the $#*% are you up to with your life~I dare you to read!

You may not want to hear this, but you could be living a much more extraordinary life than what you've got going on. We all have access to so much more potential than what we tap into each day. There are some really good reasons, life circumstances and how comes that explain why we are not reaching our highest potential. What will get you the life you deserve? Being a victim to these or stepping up and taking charge of your destiny?
You have friends to tell you it will be okay. You have family to nod in agreement with regarding how tough it is you got dealt that hand of cards. But I'm a coach and sometimes coaches kick butts.
There is something you care about that is greater than your fear or your sadness or your hurt. It may be family, children, a significant relationship or your friends. It could be your career or a non-profit organization you are involved with. It might be an artistic endeavor such as dance, writing, painting or photography. There is something that lifts you and others up when you engage in it and share it with the world.
Find the thing that means more to you than the comfort of sitting in your familiar stopping place. The place where you stand instead of taking a risk and the next step. Beyond the stopping place is the extraordinary moment.
So, exactly what the $%*& are you up to in your life? Paying the bills? Trying to survive? Playing it safe? Thinking tomorrow will be the day? Do you create a bigger vision for yourself and then quit on you? Are you telling yourself "as least..."? You're not alone. I have my moments of landing in that headspace but they are moments now that come along like a little speed bump instead of the brick walls they used to be in the past.
Get real with yourself for a moment today. Put aside all the "reasons" you think you know why you can't be or do something you know would add an element of incredible to your life. Ask yourself, instead, who am I really? What gift or gifts have I been given that I'm withholding? What will it take for me to challenge myself to stop holding back and find a way to begin to explore my brilliance?
Dig deep and then, if you dare, post a comment below to spark some dialogue or email me at with a subject "Here is what the #$%& I will be up to in 2011" and tell me what you found...underneath any loss, challenge, fear, woulda/coulda/shoulda, someone said I couldn't, I don't believe I can or other negative thoughts. If not now, when?!