White Texas Teacher Caught On Video Telling Black Students 'My Race Is The Superior One'

He lost his students' respect.

Texas middle school teacher video Reddit

A conversation at a middle school in Texas went south when a teacher raised a discussion about racism and racial superiority.

The white teacher claimed that he was “ethnocentric” — an adjective that describes evaluating other peoples and cultures according to the standards of one's own culture

The Texas middle school teacher then says, 'I think my race is the superior one' while looking at a table of Black students.

Although unclear how the conversation at Bohls Middle School started, a student quickly decided to capture the moment on video to see what would happen.


When the person recording the video asked “so, white is better than all?” the teacher told the students to let him finish and get everything that he wanted to say out.

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“I think everybody thinks that and they’re just not honest about it,” he claims.


The students, calm as can be while their teacher spouts racist rhetoric, challenge him at every turn.

“I’m not racist though, I like all types of [people],” claims another student.

Immediately, the teacher denies ever saying that he didn’t like anybody, but believing that one race is superior to another is the very definition of racism and puts down other races.

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Another student attempts to confirm a statement that was likely made before the video started, where the teacher reveals he is racist.

“I think everybody’s a racist at that level,” the teacher claims, once again seeming to miss the point.

His belief seems to base on the principle that everyone believes their individual race is superior but erases the clear historical implications that his ideology brought about in the past.

When asked to admit that he is racist the teacher says he is "honest" and refuses to define himself as racist, saying “I’ve said it enough.”

“I actually respected you for a while, but now, I don’t have any more respect for you,” claims one of the Black students before another responds, “Yeah for real, I don’t think I [have] respect for him [anymore].”


The teacher is ready to retort with “you know you should have more respect” before the video cuts off, ending what we know about the situation there.

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The Bohls Middle School teacher was placed on administrative leave.

Following the incident and the video going viral online, the teacher was placed on administrative leave for having an "inappropriate conversation."

They claimed that human resources would be conducting an investigation into the incident, via KVUE, and would announce the results once finished.

The Pflugerville Independent School District superintendent, Dr. Douglas Killian, issued an update to their statement on November 14, 2022, regarding the incident online.


“As of Monday morning, Nov. 14, the teacher in question is no longer employed by Pflugerville ISD and we are actively looking for a replacement,” the statement read.

“We want to reiterate that this conversation does not align with our core beliefs and is not a reflection of our district or our culture at Bohls Middle School. Pflugerville ISD and Bohls MS staff work together to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all of our students. The advisory discussion was inappropriate, inaccurate, and unacceptable; and this type of interaction will not be tolerated in any PfISD schools.”

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Isaac Serna-Diez is an Assistant Editor who focuses on entertainment and news, social justice, and politics. Keep up with his rants about current events on his Twitter.
