11 Sweet Signs You're In A Perfectly Imperfect Relationship

There's no such thing as 'perfect' anyway.

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A relationship doesn't need to be perfect in order for it to last. In fact, a perfectly imperfect relationship keeps both partners satisfied and happy!

Any relationship with love, trust and respect, and where people treat each other with kindness, is valuable, even if it's not perfect. In your own relationship, you may not initially recognize the signs you're in a perfectly imperfect relationship, but over time, it will become clear.


Remember: You don't need to be Insta-perfect or look like a perfect match in order to be perfectly imperfect together.

Here are 11 sweet signs that you have a perfectly imperfect relationship

1. You can speak your mind

couple speaking freely with each other Monstera Production | Pexels

In a perfectly imperfect relationship, you feel comfortable enough with your partner to talk about anything and everything. That's because they are supposed to be there for you, and neither of you walk on eggshells when it comes to sharing your thoughts and emotions.

Speaking out and telling your partner how you feel isn't always simple, but it shouldn't require a lot of strength and guts to talk. You need to feel safe enough in a good relationship to be candid with each other.

Luckily, you freely speak your mind with one another, offering advice and a listening ear along the way.

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2. You trust each other wholly

couple who trusts each other snuggling Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels

In healthy relationships, trust is essential. And in your perfectly imperfect relationship, your partner is completely trustworthy and has proven themselves as such.

A 2023 research article, as well as many other studies over the years, found that a high level of trust between partners is linked to relationship satisfaction, quality, and intimacy; low trust, on the other hand, can create conflicts and jealousy, as well as relationship insecurity.

In your relationship, your partner is dependable and accessible. They are there when they say they will show up. They demonstrate their faith in you by allowing you the freedom and space you desire without continually checking in on you.

Trust is the foundation of your relationship, and it's evident by the bond you and your partner share.


3. You easily find joy in each other

smiling happy couple Tim Mossholder | Pexels

Relationships that are happy and healthy are full of laughter and pleasure. Research published in the Journal of the International Association for Relationship Research says that shared laughter among romantic partners indicates relationship well-being. And laughter is something in abundance with your partner!

Of course, this doesn't imply you're happy all the time or that your partner doesn't irritate you sometimes; occasional annoyances or irritating habits are to be expected. However, it does suggest that your life together is enjoyable in small ways.

It could be cooking dinner together, laughing at the same jokes, completing each other's sentences, having inside jokes, or having a favorite movie that makes you chuckle alongside one another.


4. It just feels right

loving couple smelling a flower Mental Health America (MHA) | Pexels

Any strong bond feels as if it has been there for a long time. With your partner, simply being with them makes you feel complete, like you've found your "person." It's one of the biggest signs your relationship is perfectly imperfect.

When you're together, you feel like you're on the right track in life, like you can do anything or overcome hurdles that come your way. It's not always simple or even pleasant, but it always feels like you're exactly where you need to be.

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5. You encourage each other

sweet couple bonding in the park Ron Lach | Pexels

One of the signs you have a perfectly imperfect relationship with your partner is that despite either of you having impossible-to-reach goals, you can always rely on one another to support any decision.

In a relationship, it's completely normal if your dreams differ, as long as you respect and support one another in achieving your objectives. As a couple, you push each other to do better, and to keep going in the face of adversity.

According to research published in 2023, if partners have even the perception of feeling understood by their romantic counterpart, it buffers against negative relationship experiences and promotes "cycles of responsiveness and appreciation that bond partners to each other long-term."


6. You feel calm and content

man kissing woman's head August de Richelieu | Pexels

Even as the honeymoon phase ends, you aren't stricken with panic; rather, there's a sense of peaceful familiarity that comes over you. You and your partner genuinely realize who the other is, even after that mask falls.

You're in a perfectly imperfect relationship when you feel anchored and content in your partner's company. Even if you experience arguments, as is normal in any relationship, you still feel content knowing they will stay by your side once the dust settles.

All in all, they make you happy. Just their presence sends a calmness through your body, like nothing in the world can come between the two of you.

7. You're comfortable in your skin

smiling confident woman in bed of flowers mellamed | Pexels

Perhaps you or your current partner have dated someone in the past who made you feel bad about yourself. They may have diminished your abilities or personality, lowering your self-esteem in the process.

But now that you've found your person in your perfectly imperfect relationship, you have no fears holding you back from embracing who you really are. You don't need to hide who you are; rather, your partner encourages you to accept your flaws and love yourself unconditionally.

And because of that, you're able to relax and be authentic in your relationship.


8. You respect personal space

woman talking on phone with partner Helena Lopes | Pexels

No matter how much time you spend together or apart, romantic partners will want a break from one another at some point. And because your relationship is perfectly imperfect, you respect your partner's decision to take personal space away from you, without getting defensive or feeling upset about it.

You don't feel the need to spend every moment with your partner just because you're in love. Rather, you understand that taking some "me time" is essential for both of you. Because no matter how solid your relationship is, it's necessary to feed your own interests and desires.

In fact, a survey from OnePoll in conjunction with Elements Massage found that 46% of participants listed "me time" in their top life priorities. Taking time to explore your hobbies and connections, and encouraging your partner to do the same, keeps your relationship fresh, and allows you to grow as an individual while thriving as a couple.

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9. Your boundaries are equally respected

couple holding hands in a parking lot Luis Zambrano | Pexels

A healthy relationship is an equal partnership, where each person contributes and supports one another. But an essential part of having a perfectly imperfect relationship is each partner setting their boundaries, and having their counterpart respect it.

Because you're both on the same team, you talk about and agree on significant vital issues. You also make sure you don't violate any boundaries set up. For example, maybe you become easily upset during arguments and need time to decompress before discussing it; you may set an emotional boundary, telling your partner, "I don't want to talk about this right now, let's chat when I'm calmer."

By your partner respecting this, it's a positive indicator that you have a good relationship. Additionally, those boundaries will increase trust, improve communication, and boost your self-esteem.


10. You feel happy and supported

smiling couple holding each other on railroad tracks Orione Conceição | Pexels

One of the most important signs you're in a perfectly imperfect relationship involves feeling happy in your partnership, and having a significant other who supports you through everything you do.

A study from a psychology journal found that feeling understood, valued and heard by a romantic partner can "buffer negative experiences." According to the research, "Moments in which both partners feel understood and appreciated could play a crucial role throughout relationships, buffering against negative relationship experiences and promoting cycles of responsiveness and appreciation that bond partners to each other long-term."

A solid, healthy relationship involves two partners who lift one another up, offering emotional support. It means being there through thick and thin, encouraging one another to follow their dreams, and being reliable. All in all, you know you can count on each other, through thick and thin.

11. You feel like a complete individual

happy woman chatting with man RDNE Stock project | Pexels

While being in a loving relationship is a wonderful feeling, a partner should never complete you. Instead, you should remain your own person, staying authentic to who you are, and not changing the things about yourself that you love.

Nobody should ever lose themselves in a relationship, and one of the signs you're in a perfectly imperfect relationship is that both you and your partner feel free to be who you really are. You each experience deep individuation and self-discovery.

Together, you don't feel like you're missing out without them; rather, it's as if you two are whole, different people who operate well with one another.

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Sidhharrth Kumaar is an astro-numerologist and Founder of NumroVani. He couples his knowledge of modern sciences to solve real-world problems in the areas of mental well-being and relationship growth.
