How Marriage Changes After You Have A Baby (& How To Keep It Fun)
What you should know before starting your family.

It goes without saying that having a baby is a big deal. When you raise a child with your partner, it can instantly strengthen the bond that you share.
But there may be hidden stresses that will surface later and greatly affect your marriage. Literally, everything in your life can (and will!) change once you become a parent.
The way you interact with your spouse might change, as well — how much time you have for each other, how much energy you have to give, and so on. These problems are all very real concerns that anyone planning to have a baby should consider and be prepared to address.
So just how can you tell if your relationship is ready for the difficulties that come with raising a child?
Well, there are certain things that you need to be aware of before deciding to have a baby with your partner. And although this decision is a big one, that’s no reason to be afraid!
Just exactly how your relationship will grow and change depends solely on the two of you, but there are things that you can anticipate beforehand to make the transition from "married" to “married with kids” as easy as possible.
Babies require so much love and attention that sometimes it can be easy to forget that this child is only one part of your family, and that your relationship with your spouse is every bit as important as the one you have with your new baby.
Balancing this new dynamic between you as a couple can be a difficult road, but with expert tips and advice on how to achieve this, you can make this transition a fun journey together — even if you both are a bit sleep-deprived because of it!
Parenting expert Tammy Nelson is joined by YourTango experts Tara Kennedy Kline, Rhona Berens, Miriam Kove and Barbara Beck Holstein to discuss how your relationship changes after you have a new addition to the family.
In the YourTango experts video above, they discuss the challenges, changes and strange new things you might face when you become parents. Plus, these experts share their best tips for balancing your relationship with your spouse with caring for your new baby to make it stronger, healthier, and more loving than ever before.
Don't be afraid of taking the next step because you fear change. With these expert tips at your disposable, you'll be able to overcome any issues that come your way.
So don’t worry! You’ve got this.
If you have any relationship or parenting concerns, reach out to our experts! They'd love to talk with you, and they're here to help!