The 7 Reasons Women Physically Reject Men, According To Psychology

Why she walked away.

Woman physically rejects mans proposal. pixelshot | Canva

A woman wants a man who is confident, caring, and respectful. Someone who takes the time to show her she is everything and knows what she is worth. She does not want to be objectified by your selfish ways. She prefers to be your equal, side-by-side.

So while you may be busy immersing yourself with ideas and fantasies about the bedroom, she is likely pursuing a man who is more suitable than a one-night stand. Her rejection might sting, but she is letting you know she needs more than just a hookup.


It won’t be easy if she’s worth it. Her desires and needs are simple when it comes to wanting more than friendship. You will want to be keen on relating, understanding, and giving her the respect she wholeheartedly craves.

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Here are the seven reasons women physically reject men, according to psychology:

1. They act arrogantly

Talking about your life and only your life is so last year. You will have to learn to relate to her if you want her to desire you the way you prefer. You naturally enjoy talking about the car you drive, where you live, and the places you go. However, she will tune out when the conversation is centered around you.


She really couldn't care less about the things you own when she can provide a life for herself. She is more curious about whether or not you have her best interest when establishing a genuine connection.

The "I’m Mr. Wonderful" attitude has got to go. When it comes to bringing her closer to you, you will want to converse with her, not above or at her. So acting arrogant will keep you in the friend zone, as it’s not her cup of tea.

2. They post pictures with other women

Leading from your ego will cause her to flinch. Many women aren't attracted to men who want to flaunt their physiques constantly to others. They often have no desire to compete for your attention when you appear to be looking for validation from other women.

While you’re busy feeding your ego with all the ladies, you may find yourself losing her interest. She doesn't want to be second fiddle to a bevy of girlfriends. When you make her feel like a number, she won’t want to be your number one.


3. They send her explicit photos

Leading with unsolicited risque pics is sure to get you nixed. She will think you only want one thing. Women need to feel valued and appreciated before they are going to become vulnerable with you. 

They have no desire to engage in intimate relations if they sense you’re only seeking instant gratification. According to a study from the Journal of Sex Research, women actually feel grossed out when they're sent explicit pictures they didn't ask for. Take note.

Reasons Women Physically Reject Men Dean Drobot / Shutterstock


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4. They forget to follow through

When it comes to talking, the conversations between the two of you can become quite frustrating for her when your words are meaningless. You say you’ll do one thing, yet you never seem to follow through. She may start avoiding you while second-guessing whether you are the man for her. Your words will cost you.

To engage in any physical activity, most women will need to feel emotionally safe first. And, lying or falling short without action will have her holding a steel shield to protect herself from you. You are bound to get shut down and be on a lonely hunt without her.

5. They are actively aggressive

If you are trying to push things way too soon, she is bound to slam on the brakes. She isn’t looking to jump in bed, the same night you meet. She is looking to get to know you at an organic pace. If things move too quickly, she will feel like you’re only in it to win it.


Everyone is different with how they feel when they're ready, and one Groupon poll shows that it takes women an average of 9 dates before they want to hop into bed with their date. Push her and the momentum will be lost. Every woman knows that there are physical desires, but first, you’ll need to build up her desire by how you treat her. 

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6. They are uncommunicative

Keeping your communication at bay can prevent a connection from growing. If you don’t communicate, she will refrain from unveiling herself because she will feel a lack of trust.

Communicating and developing a friendship shows her she is worth your time; thus, you are worth hers. Consistency in communication will be key. You can’t go from blowing her phone up one day to being MIA the next. This will lead her to think you are not that interested in getting close to her or it’s only about what is convenient for you.

@bethathealinggirl Replying to @abbylach19 communication is a skill! If they are willing they can flex that muscle ♥️ #communicationskills #coupleskills #adviceforcouples ♬ original sound - clare

7. They have bad hygiene

Showing up for your date smelling like last night’s takeout and in clothes that look like you changed the oil in your car is sure not going to win her over. She can’t even think of going to grab drinks with you, let alone staying over.

Showering is empowering. If you don’t look good, you probably won’t feel good. She will sense your lack of confidence. That is a huge turn-off to women. They prefer a man who not only puts effort into the way he looks but also into the way he pursues her romantically.

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Jan and Jillian Yuhas are dating and relationship coaches who help men attract the women they want. They have been featured in The Good Men Project and Thrive Global, among many others.