5 Classic Manifestation Techniques To Attract Love In Under 30 Days
Single and tired of it? Here's what to do.

For many singles, a first date is filled with hopes, excitement, and anticipation of the relationship they have always dreamed of having but with the same limited understanding of how to attain it.
First dates can be nerve-wracking, but there's hope yet. According to Match's Singles in America survey, 84% of people prefer a casual first date over something formal.
Here are 5 classic manifestation techniques to attract love in under thirty days:
1. Expect
The longer you're single, you must change your outlook and expectations of relationships. If you expect to be hurt or disappointed, it will happen every time.
If you expect the best and that you deserve to be treated with respect and unconditional love, this will show up for you. Start expecting right now that love will knock on your door this year, and it is at this moment that you will start the process of attracting love your way.
Pexels / Asad Photo Maldives
2. Prepare
Whenever you expected guests from out of town, what did you do? You prepared! You cleaned the house and made room and time to spend with your expected guests.
Preparing to receive love is no different. If you want to create a strong magnet for attracting love, you must get yourself together; and prepare your environment, life, and home to receive a mate.
3. Remove
You are single because there is an emotional barrier that most likely is standing in your way of receiving love. As you expect and prepare to receive love, it will start to move closer into your life; however, if your door is shut, there is no way love can enter.
Sometimes we know what that fear or thought is, but most times it is subconscious. However, we know that it is there because we continue to attract the same person with a different face or consistently remain single and can’t seem to break the pattern.
To open your life up to love, it is important to discover your belief systems and fears that push love away. A relationship coach is the perfect solution for helping you identify what that barrier is.
4. Commit
You can never win at anything without the commitment to succeed. Attracting a healthy relationship into your life will be no different. Commit today that you will do whatever it takes to attract love into your life.
When you commit to losing weight, most people hire a trainer or an expert who can help them identify behaviors that keep them from their weight loss goals, form a workout plan to achieve dramatic results, and motivate them to stay on the right track.
Why not commit today to hiring a certified dating & relationship coach who can help you do the same thing in your love life?
5. Receive
When love finally shows up at your door — and it will if you do the work — expect it, prepare to receive it, and commit to doing what it takes to get it; don’t doubt that it is there and sabotage what you’ve worked so hard to attract.
Receive it with open arms while using wisdom to confirm that it is actually the real deal and not the prototype of what you intended to attract!
Shay Levister is the founder and CEO of Shay Better Coaching and has been teaching smart and ambitious ladies for the last 20 years how to strategically position themselves in life and love, with soft power and science-based strategy.