20 Tiny Things You Must Accept For Your Relationship To Succeed
Relationships require more than just love to make them work.

Love does not conquer all. It's a common misconception that if you love someone, everything else will work itself out, but love alone is not enough. Acceptance is what will get you through to the other side. Acceptance doesn't mean resignation; it means understanding that something is what it is and that you can choose it for exactly what it is. Because when you do choose it for what it is and what it isn't, it brings something entirely new into your world.
Once there is acceptance you bring peace and change to your energy, and from there anything you create with the person you love is possible. That's not to say that you must accept everything in your relationship. You shouldn't accept any abuse, physically or emotionally, and you must establish your deal-breakers along with making sure you are compatible and have similar core values and a vision for your future. However, there are things you must accept in the one you love and in your relationship to bring peace into your life.
Here are 20 tiny things you must accept for your relationship to succeed:
1. Accept the things you cannot change
There will be some things in your life you cannot control, another person is going to be one of those.
2. Accept that you cannot fix your partner
Everything your partner does is because of them. You can't fix a person, only help them while they fix themselves.
3. Accept that your partner is not perfect
Stop putting your partners on pedestals and having impossible expectations for them. You're both going to be disappointed.
4. Accept that not everyone will behave as you do
No one is like you, so don't expect anyone to act the way you do.
5. Accept that just because they don't behave like you, it doesn't make them wrong
Just because they're not like you or wouldn't do anything you would do doesn't make them wrong.
6. Accept their flaws
Their flaws made them who they are, the person you fell in love with.
7. Accept love as they can give it to you
People can only love you in their way, not the way you want them to.
8. Accept that you love them
You love them, it's that simple.
9. Accept that we all experience things (including love) differently
Everyone goes through life differently, and that causes us to make different choices than other people.
10. Accept that sometimes they can be a bit of a mess
You can't expect anyone to be put together 100% of the time.
11. Accept the mess in the sink
Sometimes your partner has a long day and forgets to do the dishes, but it doesn't mean they don't care.
12. Accept that they are human and will make mistakes
You two are going to hurt each other and make mistakes, that's the point of life.
13. Accept their apology
If they're sorry and regretful, forgive them.
14. Accept your differences
You fell in love with them because of your differences, don't let them get in between you two.
15. Accept that everyone has a past
Everyone has gone through hardships and done bad things in the past. It's what made them the person they are today, the one you fell in love with.
16. Accept that they can not read your mind
You have to tell them when something is wrong or upsetting you, they won't be able to tell otherwise.
17. Accept that they can't live up to an expectation you don't communicate
Again, they don't know what you're thinking. Open communication leads to happy and successful relationships.
18. Accept that you are not always right
This is a hard one, but sometimes you're wrong. It's okay.
19. Accept that there will be good and bad times
Your relationship is not going to always be rainbows and sunshine, there will be hardships. You will have to choose to love this person anyway.
20. Accept them
What you resist will persist, and will drive you crazy. By accepting, you are opening up a space for something completely new to happen in your relationship. Can you accept the challenge?
Ravid Yosef is a dating and relationship coach. She is an established advice column writer, Certified NLP Practitioner, and Award-winning marketer.