7 Reasons Why Women Need Testosterone
Think only men need the hormone? Think again.
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Testosterone is a hormonal chemical mainly associated with men. However, women produce testosterone as well. Testosterone is very good for the female body. Sure, women will need it if they are trying to tone their bodies. But, research has revealed much more about this so-called male hormone.
Testosterone production is substantially lower in women than it is in men. After puberty, a woman begins to produce an adult level of testosterone. The production is split between the ovaries and the adrenal glands. In men, the testes produce testosterone. Women produce just a fraction of the amount of testosterone each day that men do. Here are seven ways testosterone can impact the life of a woman:
1. Weight lifting increases levels of testosterone in women. This helps to build muscle mass without the fear of "bulking up." Couples who workout together report having improved sex lives. Your repetition range for these exercises should be between 3-5. You would typically do 4-5 sets of each exercise. Rotate heavy lifting days with light lifting days. Do circuit weight training with the lighter weights, with little or no rest between sets. 25 Tips To Lose Weight & Keep It Off
Women burn more fat by increasing exercise-induced growth hormone. Growth hormone is also important for building muscle. Intense circuit weight training and interval cardio workouts will increase growth hormone levels in the body.
Paul Carpenter is a consultant in endocrinology and health informatics research in Rochester, Minnesota. He has practiced in endocrinology, with a special interest in hormone replacement, for 25 years. He has addressed many questions about the role of testosterone in women. The next five pointers are taken from Carpenter's research.
2. Testosterone helps maintain muscle and bone mass, in women, and contributes to their sex drive. If you give testosterone replacement to testosterone deficient women, they often feel better, but are not specific as to how.
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One of the tough things about research in this area is what has been measured and what has not. Testosterone levels, muscle mass and bone strength have been measured. When testosterone levels in the blood increase, bone density improves.
Although few researchers have attempted to measure changes in sex drive and overall quality of life, these important effects are much more difficult to assess. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine evaluated sexuality and quality of life in women with low blood levels of testosterone. After raising their blood levels of testosterone, using a medicated skin patch, their health and sexuality improved.
3. Which women should have their testosterone levels checked? After menopause, testosterone production drops significantly. But, not as sharply as estrogen levels. For women who have had their ovaries removed, testosterone production drops by roughly 50 percent, sometimes resulting in less than normal testosterone blood levels.
Generally, the women who have lower levels of testosterone are those who go to their doctor with concerns such as, "ever since I had my ovaries removed, I do not feel like the same person. I am not as strong, I do not have as much energy and I do not have the same sex drive." Should we measure testosterone in all women who have had their ovaries removed? I do not know. However, if a woman says her sex life has diminished since her hysterectomy, her doctor may check her testosterone level. If her levels are low, she can consider taking testosterone replacement. Why You're Lacking Energy For Work & Play
Another group of women at risk of low testosterone are those who have lost pituitary gland function. The pituitary sends hormone messages to the adrenal glands and ovaries. Without the pituitary signal, hormones are not manufactured. These women require estrogen and cortisone replacement, and are also testosterone deficient.
4. How important is it for women with low testosterone levels to consider replacement therapy? Low testosterone levels is not an immediate health risk. Yet, think about an older woman with osteoporosis who has fallen and fractured her hip. If her testosterone is low, would replacement have prevented her hip fracture? It is possible. Testosterone has the potential to strengthen bones. Additionally, she might have been able to prevent the fall if her muscle mass had been better.
If a postmenopausal woman is on hormone replacement therapy, does that affect her need for testosterone? Yes. Estrogen therapy — with or without progesterone — can further suppress residual testosterone production by the ovaries. This is due to hormone signals from the pituitary gland, taking estrogen partially reduces the pituitary hormone signal to the ovaries and potentially reduces testosterone production. The pituitary senses there is enough estrogen, so it does not send the signal for more estrogen and testosterone.
5. What are the side effects of testosterone replacement? When given in appropriate doses, there are no negative side effects. Today we can measure blood levels, so it is easier to monitor the dosage. Excessive testosterone can cause acne, body hair growth and scalp hair loss in women. Excessive testosterone supplementation, such as with anabolic steroids used by athletes, also tends to drop high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (HDL). That is the "good" cholesterol. Lower HDL levels increase the risk of heart disease.
6. What about other androgens, such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)? DHEA is a weak male hormone. Although it is true that DHEA levels decline with age, very few research studies show benefit from replacement. Another New England Journal of Medicine study says DHEA treatment improves sexual function in women who have underactive adrenal glands.
In addition, many people are taking DHEA in very large quantities. Excessive amounts of synthetic androgens drive down HDL cholesterol levels, which is considered a cardiovascular risk. People who are ill often have low DHEA or testosterone levels. This appears to be a normal physiological response to illness and not the cause of the illness.
Barbara L. Minton is a school psychologist and a breast cancer survivor using “alternative” treatments. She has also studied the affects of testosterone on women. The last point is taken from her research.
7. Testosterone conveys powerful anti-aging effects. It turns fat into muscle, keeps skin supple, increases bone mineral density, puts women in a positive mood and boosts the ability to handle stress. Testosterone also supports cognitive functioning and keeps the liver and blood vessels clean.
Low testosterone levels have been associated with heart attack, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, and depression. If you are freezing cold all the time and your thyroid levels are adequate, you are probably low on testosterone. For women, a little bit of testosterone can go a long way in improving looks, figure, energy level, outlook on life, sex appeal and sexual fulfillment. 28 Expert-Approved Ways To Stay Fit & Trim As You Age
Women produce increased amounts of testosterone during puberty. Levels of testosterone peak for women in their early 20's. The decrease in sex drive, due to age, is often exacerbated by oral contraceptives which suppress all sex hormone production. By the time a woman has reached natural menopause, she may have only half of the level of testosterone she once had.
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