5 Reasons Why Faking Confidence Actually Leads To TRUE Happiness
Sometimes you have to work with what you've got!

Fake it 'til you make it — We hear this advice all the time.
But, does the approach really work?
When you know what you’re doing and where you’re going, you carry yourself more assertively and, as a result, attract better opportunities.
And it seems, even when you don’t know what you're doing, when you ethically fake it by acting overconfident, so you still achieve greater happiness.
Here’s why it works:
1. Smiling actually boosts your mood.
Smiling confidently, even when you’re not feeling it, boosts your endorphins and helps you feel happier. You can replicate a smile by holding a pencil in your mouth to get your mood going. The gesture triggers your subconscious mind (which is already programmed to associate smiling with happiness) thereby tricking it into letting you feel better immediately.
But showing off your pearly whites for real brings even greater results.
2. Striking the right pose puts you in the right mindset.
Holding your head down and slouching your shoulders soon makes you feel lousy. But when you hold your head up and walk confidently, you instantly feel better about yourself. Research tells us that striking the right pose boosts our sense of confidence in powerful ways.
To avoid looking arrogant (which comes from low self-esteem and insecurity), offer an authentic smile when you walk assertively. Also, swing your arms as you walk and spread out a bit more at that meeting you’re going to. Powerful people take up more space.
3. It paves the way to future success.
"Act as if" you have the part even before you’re cast in the play, hired for that dream job, or noticed by the amazing man you have your eye on. By acting overconfident, you attract the ideal opportunities you desire, which helps you recognize your true inner power.
The secret is remaining grounded and connected to the important people in your life. Sudden power can quickly become addictive, as it has for many celebrities who later crash and burn. Remember, your goal is to expand and improve your life.
4. It grants you greater influence on those around you.
Author James Allen said, "The world steps aside for the man who knows where he’s going." And the same is true for women. The fact is, confidence is attractive and people pay more attention to those who have it (or, at least, seem to).
Recognize that you're using human psychology to your advantage … ethically. The objective is steering opportunities in your favor, not blatantly using people. This ensures that you keep what you achieve. Otherwise, you’ll always struggle and feel unhappy, like others who gain status by unethical means.
5. You finally become the woman you’re meant to be.
Practice feeling like you already have what you want. This starts the physical manifestation process. Confident emotions provide powerful creative energy that helps you attract more of what you want in your life (using positive feelings) and less of what you don’t (shifting away from negative feelings).
Recognize your inner power.
When you trust your intuition, it leads you in the right direction and the world is your oyster. We all have to "fake it until we make it" from time to time. So, hold your head up and let practicing overconfidence lead you to authentic confidence. You're on your way to creating a life you enjoy and future you look forward to.
Kelly Rudolph is a Confidence Coach and founder of Positive Women Rock. She gives women the tools to get from stuck and stressed to inspired and confident. Connect with her and get her free Life Strategies at PositiveWomenRock.com.