Where Are All The Good Guys? Top 5 Places To Meet A Man Who's Marriage Material
He's not going to knock on your front door.

Have you ever uttered one of the following questions: Where do I go to meet a good man? How do I get a guy to fall in love with me?
If you have you’re not alone. These two questions are hands down the two most common questions I hear from single women.
Finding a good man is a lot like trying to land a prize fish. First, you have to know what kind of fish you are looking for. If you wanted an Alaskan Salmon, throwing your fishing line into the Gulf of Mexico probably isn't going to land you the desired prize.
I'm not saying you won't land a fish, you probably will. It's just that it won't be the fish you are looking for. Once you identify what kind of Man/fish you are looking for you need to figure out where that type tends to hang out.
The good news is that men, like fish, tend to have predictable habits and tend to congregate in the same, predictable locations. Your job is to understand where those places are to know how to "catch" them.
Here are the top 5 places to meet a man who's marriage material:
1. Online dating
Whether you are for online dating or against it there is no denying that everyone is doing it. Yes, there are a lot of bottom feeders trolling the online dating waters, but if you learn their habits they are much easier to spot and avoid.
According to the Pew Research Center, 1 in 10 couples met their partners online.
By learning how to navigate the online dating waters you will quickly learn how to spot and land a prize catch.
2. Work
People who work together tend to share many common bonds and interests. Part of this is because working together allows individuals to get to know each other and establish a baseline friendship before moving into a relationship.
Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio
Who doesn't love a work romance? According to a CBS News study, a third of people have admitted to starting a workplace romance.
People who work together often share many common bonds, such as education levels, socioeconomic status, and common morals and values due to the common ways they were raised by their parents.
3. Seminars and workshops
Men who attend workshops and seminars indicate that they are open to learning and admitting they don't have all the answers.
Attending a seminar, class, or workshop on a topic that interests you is a great way to meet a man who shares similar interests.
4. Volunteering
Men who volunteer their time and energy to causes, charities, or organizations often show that they are emotionally available and relationship-ready.
A man who has a desire to give back and help others is a man who will know how to value and appreciate a woman.
5. Friends and colleagues
Have you ever heard the expression, "Birds of a feather flock together?" Well, remember you are only one introduction away from meeting the man of your dreams.
Your friends may all be in relationships or married, but they might know or work with someone who has a special guy who is looking for a woman just like you.
If you are single and available you want to tell everyone you know and like that, you are ready and looking for a great man. But make sure to tell them what kind of guy you are looking for. Otherwise, they may set you up with their unemployed, neighbor who has commitment issues.
Finding a good man may appear to be difficult but it doesn't have to be. The key is learning how to manage your emotions and take actions that increase your chances of finding the type of man you are looking for.
Because at the end of the day: you only need one.
Joe Amoia is the founder and creator of GPS For Love. He is an International Dating and Relationship Expert who specializes in helping single women navigate the complex world of men, dating, and relationships.