Matchmaker Reveals 3 Crazy-But-Powerful Flirting Strategies
How to effectively approach a cute stranger.

Sparking up a conversation with a stranger can be scary and just plain awkward, especially if that stranger is attractive. Think about it… How many potential introductions have you missed or blown because you are unsure of how to approach someone that you are interested in getting to know? Surprisingly it's a common issue that single men and women deal with daily. No matter how social or confident you are in your social circles, there may be times when you find it hard to start those conversations. So how do you get over this?
Here are 3 crazy but powerful flirting strategies:
1. Local events/location
This plays to your target's sense of community. Always take notice of your surroundings, local news, and events that are going on in your current city. Depending on where you are, this could be festivals, sporting events, and grand openings… whatever. For example, this one works very well in Chicago: "Excuse me, I have a quick question for you. Cubs or Sox?" This can allow you to learn a lot about a person's background. Whether they are new in town or a long-time resident, you will get an idea about their interests and be able to use it to continue the conversation. Possibly use it for a potential date should you two make plans to get together.
2. Pay a compliment
This plays to the human ego. Everyone likes and deserves a compliment from time to time. It could be a piece of clothing, personal qualities that you observe, or even the way they interact with others around them. If you look for things that you admire about a person, you will find them. Example: "Hey, I like your shoes! Where did you get them?" Make sure your compliments are sincere. People are intuitive and will be able to sense if you are "blowing smoke" and are likely to blow you off.
3. Ask for help, advice, or an opinion
Asking for help plays to the humanitarian in all of us. It also stimulates the human ego because it provides a sense of being needed. There are millions of things you can ask for advice on. Example: If you're in a coffee shop or restaurant, ask for a menu recommendation. Talking to strangers can be easy and fun. Keep these three conversation openers in mind and give it a shot. You will be surprised at how many doors will open for you.
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J. Cameron Gantt is a dating expert and is the Head Dating Coach at Insti(Gay)tor, a Chicago-based LGBT matchmaking agency.