10 Gifts Single Women Want
Trying to figure out a cute gift idea? Here are a few you can try, especially for singles.

by Eleanore Wells, for GalTime.com
Does everyone need a gift guide? Of course not. But if you're struggling for that perfect find for your girlfriend, good friend or even yourself, you've landed in the right place.
A word to the wise: We like good gifts. Not fuzzy socks, robes and pajamas. Not t-shirts and mugs with corny jokes about being single. And we don’t want a pink tool kit. What we want is what everybody wants: a thoughtful gift that reflects our lifestyle and personality.
This guide for single women that has gifts I want to receive, gifts I want to give to my single friends, gifts I want to give myself. Here are the top 10.
Commission a Personalized Poem
Show your favorite friend or lady-love how much you think of her by commissioning a poem written just for her. Published poets from Poetry Salon find the perfect words that translate your sentiments into a timeless poem. The process is simple: you answer interview questions about the gift recipient via email or phone, and the poet works her magic. They have a “satisfaction guaranteed or your money back” policy that they say they’ve never had to use. Poems range from $175 - $600, and many come framed, boxed, or accompanied by a fitting accessory. You can find them at www.poetrysalon.com.
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KRUPS On Request
A girl needs her caffeine! But there is no need to make a whole pot of coffee if you live alone. The KRUPS KM9000 Cup-On-Request was invented for those like me. At the touch of a button it dispenses piping hot coffee. It even has different settings for weekdays and weekends (because I sleep in on the weekends). The coffee stays hot for up to 4 hours. Plus, it’s a pretty good-looking machine! It retails for about $199.
Cloud 9 Experience Gifts
I love this idea of gifting an experience and creating a long-lasting memory. Cloud 9 Living offers over 1800 experiential gifts in 43 regions throughout the U.S., including such activities as sky-diving, city tours, dancing lessons, race-car driving, scuba diving, private dinners with a favorite chef. Fun, right? Give the gift to the recipient either via an email certificate (which you could also email to yourself, print and wrap), or with a custom gift pack via regular mail. Once the recipient receives the gift, she schedules it at her convenience. Gift experiences range from $50 - $3,000.
Cozy Oversized Wrap
I love the look and feel of this very stylish and warm scarf. It’s a chunky texture, extra long 100% merino wool cable scarf with a delicate seed stitch edge. And, it is handmade. The designer, Kim Williams, loves working with natural fibers and creating texture thru the mixture of stitches. Kim's Wrap is $135 and available at the artist's Etsy boutique.
Artisanal Candy
This candy by Miss Nicky's is the best toffee in the world! Honest! These handmade artisanal toffees are made in small batches to ensure freshness and are never more than 4-6 weeks old. They’ve got nothing bad (no high-fructose corn syrup, no preservatives, no additives) and lots of goodness (delicious nuts and chocolate) and come beautifully packed and gift-ready. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth and I love that they’re not overly sweet like a lot of toffees. Prices start at $11.00 and they can be found at http://www.missnickys.com/toffee.html
Necktie Flask
My friend Angie and I have joked that from time to time we wished we had a flask to discreetly avail ourselves of alcohol when there was none available. I now have the cutest one I’ve ever seen. These stainless steel flasks are covered with recycled vintage neckties and come in a signature black box, and measure about 4x4 inches. Easily purse-sized, and looks like fun… and a little mischievous. I can’t wait to use it! They’re $28.00 at www.keelanrogue.com.
A Tablet Case for Every Outfit
I carry my iPad just about everywhere so it makes sense to have a case for it that is both stylish and protecting. Marware has great cases for about $50. For stomething a bit more luxe, I love Gracious Style’s crocodile-embossed case for $105.
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Creative Waist Beads
Cute and fun and a tad sexy, these waist beads are worn under clothes so not a lot of people get to see them, and that might be part of the fun. It’s kind of like wearing great lingerie; most people don’t know you’re wearing it, but you do and you love the way it looks. The concept of waist beads originates from Africa, and these are made to accentuate waists of all sizes. They are made of a harmonious mixture of glass, horn, clay and wood, plus semi-precious stones, shells, charms and pearls. They’re adorable. And, of course, if I’m bikini-ready by next summer, lots of other folks will see me in them too! They range from $15 - $30 at www.creativewaistbeads.com.
Metropolis Soap
A line of organic skincare, manufactured in Brooklyn, NY. All products are natural, vegan, and free from sulfates, parabens, and synthetics. But the best part is the soaps and body scrubs smell fantastic! According to my neighbor, Traci, who helped me sample everything: “So aromatic, filled up the entire bathroom – smelled like a seasonal tea.” My favorite is the Whipped Shea. My skin felt luxurious for hours after using. Gift packs are from $9.99 - $44.99 at www.metropolissoap.com/shop/.
Sumptuous Stationery
Every woman should have personalized stationery for those times when email just won’t do. I love the design aesthetic at Effie’s Paper, a female-owned business. Designs are bright, colorful and classy. Sets are priced at $55 for 25 flat notecards, and can be found at www.effiespaper.com.