6 Ways To Fix Your Sexless Marriage (& Get The Romance Back)

See your relationship with a new perspective.

re-initiating intimacy in sexless marriage Jacob Lund | Canva

If you and your spouse are in a sexless marriage, have intimacy issues, and have been living more like roommates than a couple, you can make changes to save your relationship and reclaim your romance.

Relationships can be maddeningly complicated. But that doesn’t stop us from seeking them. Add romance and those judgment-warping hormones to the mix, and things can get messy.

Fast forward to marriage, kids, and the boredom of routine, and your spouse may suddenly feel more like a roommate than a partner in passion.


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Here are 6 ways to fix your sexless marriage (& get the romance back.

1. Take time for yourself

Yes, time together requires time alone. But retreating into solitude as a way of avoiding your partner isn’t relationship-nurturing time alone. Taking time for yourself is about intentionally honoring yourself so you can be grounded in who you are individually.

There was a time when you were a unique individual. And your not-yet spouse fell in love with that person for all the wonderful reasons you may have lost sight of.

She spends time alone to help fix a sexless marriage Mark Skalny via Shutterstock


Set aside time every day — even ten to twenty minutes in the morning — to think, meditate, and listen. Re-commit to doing activities you enjoy outside of your relationship. Get back into your creativity. Schedule time to get together with friends who inspire your happiest, best self.

Making time to refuel without your spouse will give you that much more interesting energy to bring to and share in your marriage.

2. Explore your discontent

Contemplate why you're uncomfortable or unhappy. Listen to the deep inner voice that intuitively knows what the conscious mind often doesn’t want to acknowledge.

What issues have you brought to the marriage that might need to be unraveled to be fully present to your spouse? What dimensions of your individuality have you allowed to wane due to becoming one with your spouse?


They are talking about ways to fix a sexless marriage mavo via Shutterstock

3. Initiate expressions of love

The more comfortable you become with being comfortable, the more difficult it is to energize and try new things. But if you want to dig your marriage out of its roommate rut, you will have to start c

Start with the small things that ultimately mean the most and have staying power. Remember what it was like when you were dating, and every little affectionate gesture left you dreamy-eyed for days? Re-create some of those simple surprises and confirmations of love.


Do you know your partner’s love language? Tapping into and responding to your partner’s unique desires and needs is incredibly validating. Learning about your love languages is something you can do together. And you will both become armed with powerful information to revitalize your marriage.

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4. Try new things together

Make it a point to try new things on a level playing field. Find and create adventures that are new to both of you. Leave your competitive streaks behind. And instead of embarking as roommates, embark as partners who are there to learn, have fun, and support one another. There are verifiable reasons why recess is essential for children. And there are just as many reasons why it's important for couples.

@kittiejrose This is one step in the attempt to repair your relationship/marriage. #SplashSummerVibe #fyp #foryou ♬ original sound - Kittie Rose

5. Work on your communication

The first sign of retreating into a roommate-style marriage is a diminishment in communication. Either it decreases altogether, or it changes in content and tone.


This is where personal accountability is imperative. You can only be responsible for your communication and have hope your spouse recognizes your positive efforts. It takes courage and a willingness to take risks to share painful feelings, dissatisfactions, fears, and new requests. Emotional sharing separates intimate partners from just friends (with or without the benefits).

6. Welcome support

Hey, nothing great is accomplished in isolation. Marriage is no different. Those who thrive are committed to the outcome. They are also willing to reach out for help when they need it. Counseling is a no-shame zone. And marriage should be the same. When you have a highly skilled therapist or team working with you, you have a world of enlightenment and support at your disposal.

Falling into a relationship rut can easily happen. Given the high-paced demands of dual-career families, parenthood, and remembering anniversaries, marriage is often left with the crumbs.

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When you’ve been living more like roommates than a couple, it’s crucial to see the relationship with new eyes.

Instead of viewing your spouse through the layers of hardship, dissatisfaction, and negativity that are inevitable in relationships, start fresh. Commit to this moment. See your spouse in the now, not the past. Seek to know them in a new way. And be willing to treat them to a new you, as well.

It’s no secret love has its predictable stages. And yet, most people instinctively yearn (and prepare) for the excitement of dating while pulling away from the monotony of an established relationship. You like getting there — you get bored and fidgety once you’ve been there a while.

The emotional rollercoaster of the hormone-driven mating call may be unsustainable. But you spend more time preparing yourself to access this entry into commitment than you do preparing yourself for the long haul.


Enter sweatpants, unregretted belching and flatulence, separate checking accounts, device-driven communication, and pysical intimacy-as-a-far-away-memory. Suddenly, you're roommates with all the obligations of marriage but none of its benefits.

A study revealed that as many as 20 percent of married couples are in sexless marriages. The reasons range from physical issues to emotional wounds to poor communication and emotional disconnection.

Before you dive head-first into relationship-shaming yourself and your spouse, know it's perfectly normal to evolve into a comfortable more-like-friends stage of marriage. People are living twice as long as they were back in the day, so they have a lot more time for their marriages to navigate through stages once curtailed by death-by-forty.

@karinafdaves Complacency happens, but it shouldn’t stay.Don’t allow the responsibilities of life to take over the work that needs to happen in your relationships. I’m speaking on ALL relationships —romantic, friendships, with your kids, etc.I know that they’re important to you, but are you excited about them or they just another responsibility?That’s the difference between a task and a human.If you have lost yourself in your relationships and responsibilities and you’re ready to show up as the partner you desire to be , then book a sales call with me in the link in my bio.I want to help you finally find joy in your relationship by showing up as yourself and decreasing your contentment.Let’s get you to a place where you’re excited to spend time together versus feeling like it’s another task to get done.You deserve to have a fulfilled life, not a robotic one based on responsibilities and getting things done. Let’s get you there. Can’t wait to meet you, chica ❤️ P.S. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter “Release Your Relationship by going to the link in my bio and dropping your email. I’ll share weekly tips on how to surrender your relationship.#LifeCoach #LatinaCoach #RelationshipCoach #MarriageCoach #Relationships #Relationships #Marriage #Married #MarriageAdvice ♬ original sound - Relationship Coach & Speaker

What’s not normal — or at least not healthy — is the complacency that leads to no longer trying to impress your spouse. Granted, you both did a good job of pouring on the charm and keeping one another enchanted enough to make it down the aisle. But now the real work begins.

If you and your spouse have been living more like roommates than a couple, you have choices to make. And you will either make them by intention or by omission. It’s up to you.

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Mary Ellen Goggin and Dr. Jerry Duberstein offer relationship coaching for individuals, and offer private couples retreats and couples counseling. They are co-authors of the book "Relationship Transformation: How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too."