Parents! How Would YOU Announce The Arrival Of Your Newborn?

Baby naming ceremony? Baptism? What would you choose?


Parenthood and choices walk hand and hand. Right from the beginning parents have so many choices to make regarding their child. 

With the arrival of your newborn you will most likely want to announce the birth of your child from the highest mountain.

Perhaps you have spoken together about the idea of baptizing your child and one of you felt no need to do so.  Even more one of you may feel that your child does not have any original sin and doesn’t see any need for a baptism. It can feel like a stand-off. How can you both move forward with the decision if you are not in agreement about a baptism?


In a baptism there is also a naming ceremony, many families today are opting in for a baby naming ceremony instead of a baptism.  A baby naming ceremony involves the loved ones, that will be a part of your child’s life providing support along the life's journey.  It is a celebration, an announcement and an introduction of your child into the world.

Plan your celebration ceremony at a time of day that your child is at their best. Whatever time of day that may be for your child.  Your ceremony can take place in your home or garden.  Or you may select a historic site that has meaning to your family. A baby naming ceremony is very contemporary in nature, speaking to the love and support of your child rather than the dogma of the church.


You can plan a Sunday brunch or have everyone bring a family dish to share. What is really important is the gathering itself, the love that is exchanged and felt during the ceremony.  Godparents can speak and dedicate perhaps a planted tree in your child’s name. Friends can contribute with lovely words and intention to be part of your child’s life. 

Your child can still be blessed with warm water and welcomed into the community of souls that are here to offer love and support. Ceremonies are designed to be a memory that gathers up the family to create a supportive and loving environment.

What would work best for your family?  Let you choice revolve around what will bring the most joy to all concerned.  Follow the heart of the family and your choices along the way will be focused on what really matters. All the best to you and your new family.

Which will you select, a baby naming ceremony or a baptism for your new arrival?
