3 Tiny Triggers That Signal Your Marriage Is Past The Point Of No Return

A woman's decision to divorce didn't come easy, nor was their decision sudden.

Marriage past the point of no return andsxx | Canva, Lefteris kallergis, Matt Forfar | Unsplash

Not everyone who goes through a divorce has been shocked to discover their spouse wants out, but many fall into this category. And by many, I mean predominantly men. This is commonly referred to as "Sudden Divorce Syndrome."

Many women do not necessarily want a divorce. They feel they no longer have a choice. Their decision, though difficult, was due to several reasons. Reasons that have been percolating for a long time, a very long time.


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Here  are 3 triggers that signal your marriage is past the point of no return:

1. The infamous "nagging"

Although nagging is a constant complaint cited by men, there is often (not always) a legitimate reason for her nagging.

Have you promised to do something for her? Did you follow through or say you will get to it? Has she tried to have a conversation with you about recurring problems? She is trying to reach you. Have you said you would take care of something, but didn't?

Her frustration leads to a marked decrease in conversation, requests, and "nagging." However, the nagging comes to an end because she has given up and decided this is the end of the line. She turns her discontent and frustration into silence. A wife's silence has been interpreted by men as a blissful marriage. But it is quite the contrary. A woman has already emotionally checked out.


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2. The message in the behavior

Commonly, what is most bothersome to people is not the actual behavior (though trust me, behaviors do bother people), but the message that emanates from the behavior. What's the message?

Despite years of monitoring the marriage and making requests for a conversation about changes to be made, to be listened to, to feel understood, to take problems seriously (even if you don't think they are problems), and eventually to resolve the problems demonstrate an unwillingness by men to take the time to talk and resolve the issues, which is their behavior. His unwillingness gets interpreted as "this marriage isn't important enough for me to listen and make changes."

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3. A point of no return

Once a woman has become tired of the situation, seldom do they turn around. At this stage, the marriage is rarely, if ever, salvageable. Her resolve and strength to work on the marriage have dissipated and have been replaced by feelings of sadness.

Ask her what's wrong with the marriage. She will answer "everything" indicating a level of unrecognizable frustration. Men soon find themselves in therapy, desperately trying to save the marriage, which by most accounts, is no longer salvageable.

As Donna Ferber, a psychotherapist in Ohio stated in her article, "Sudden Divorce Syndrome: Reality or Myth?", "a man may be shocked by the news his wife wants 'out' but that doesn't mean she hasn't given plenty of warning. It usually means he wasn't listening."

@rachelsieversms So many women asking for a divorce are met with a man who seems genuinely surprised at her request. It is common for women to see the end coming, while her partner is oblivious to the severity of the situation. #seperation #divorce #marriage #wife #wifelife #mentalhealth #relationship #relationshipgoals #counseling #relationshipadvice #surprise #breakup #guilt #imsorry #women #woman #forwomen #why ♬ Funny - D'PROJECT

According to Ferber, "'Sudden Divorce Syndrome' assumes impulsive behavior on the part of the woman. Nothing is further from the truth. Perhaps a better term would be, "Shocked Divorce Syndrome" which is an accurate description of men who find themselves caught unaware."


Despite the time and effort made by women and their relentless and numerous attempts to engage in conversations, which have become circular and morphed into chronic arguments, is not enough to save the marriage.

Her attempts have proven futile, and exhausting. Feeling disconnected, frustrated, and disillusioned, women are done, like, "stick a fork in me" done. But, let's be clear. A woman's decision to divorce didn't come easy, nor was their decision sudden.

Sometimes it's just too late.


Their marriage has reached the point of no return StockPhotoDirectors via Shutterstock

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Dr. Kristin Davin is a Clinical Psychologist specializing in marriage, divorce, dating, and relationships. She helps people build better relationships, whether it’s with their spouse, partner, children, siblings, parents, coworkers, or friends.
