Dating Coach Reveals 7 Best Dating Tips For Recently Divorced Women

In order to find love again, you have to try.

Last updated on Jul 28, 2024

Recently divorced woman talks to her dating coach on the phone and learns the best dating tips. RgStudio | Canva

Recently divorced women often feel apprehensive about dating again. They may feel insecure about putting themselves "out there" for fear of rejection, or, they may have trust issues related to the cause of their divorce. This article will provide dating advice for recently divorced women that will help them step back into the dating world with confidence. 

Dating coach reveals 7 best dating tips for recently divorced women:

1. Present yourself with confidence

If you are at a club, a gym, or anywhere else where you may have the opportunity to meet a guy, act confidently. Don't walk around staring at the ground. Be sure to always hold your head up high and smile at people as you make eye contact. This will make people take notice of you and will make you appear approachable.


RELATED: Mastering Dating After Divorce (Even If You’d Just Rather Give Up)

2. Do not give up on the way you look

It may sound shallow to say that you should dress up or wear makeup frequently, but it is also very effective. Dressing up, doing your hair, and putting on makeup will show guys that you care deeply about the way you look.


3. Don't compare yourself to others

It doesn't matter if you are short or you aren't as skinny as you were when you were 20. The key is to be a person who is confident and fun to be around.

RELATED: 3 Poisonous Dating Mistakes Women Make After Getting Divorced

4. Don't assume you know what will attract a guy

Doing things that you enjoy will attract guys who enjoy the same things. 

5. Go out

There is no chance that you are going to meet a great guy while you're sitting at home, sulking about being single again. However, you may meet a guy walking in a park, hiking, kayaking, playing pool at the local bowling alley, or dancing in a club to your favorite band. These are all fun, exciting activities that can get you personally involved and connected with a really great guy. 


dating tips for recently divorced women Pexels / MART PRODUCTION

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6. Avoid getting sucked into an "I'm recently divorced and hate men" group of friends

These are the women who think all men are jerks, and they compare every guy they see to the ex who cheated on them with his twenty-year-old secretary. These women are not going to offer you sound advice, and they are not going to be encouraging for you.


7. Have fun and be approachable

You will attract great guys this way.

RELATED: Don't Date After Divorce Until You Can Truthfully Answer 7 Questions

Devon Brown is a dating and relationship coach who has been featured in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, World Internet Summit, Mastermind, and more.
