Blood Type Dating

Will you be trying this new dating technique?

Giving Blood

Here is a new technique to dating that is very interesting. If you are like me, you probably haven't heard of people dating certain people specific to their blood type. Recently, I learned this new dating phenomenon and the research that goes behind it. I looked up my blood type, and the description of my blood type, and to be honest it was spot on.

According to, since I am O negative they believe for O negative people they should be with another O negative partner. Here is the breakdown for O negative women. "Women who are O negative seem to have a tougher time getting pregnant than women with other blood types." Their best bet is an O negative man. Because of their lack of alleles, a man without the alleles matches perfectly and their chance of getting pregnant together is a lot higher than with a man who has the alleles.


O negative women are very headstrong and an O negative man balances them and completes them, while an AB for example might be easy to handle, but not set the premise for a long term fulfilling and exciting marriage. Both O negative men and O negative women are doing best, when the person they are with "gets them" and they can act freely without having to explain themselves within a true connection where trust is a guarantee.

Being very emotional beings, O negative women tend to freak out men other than O's and that is because they do not hold back their happiness or their frustration. "An O negative couple is the type of couple which moves mountains together, as they both in their unity tend to allow one another to be themselves and catch the other when they feel the other is down, while for example a B positive man would probably miss the signs an O negative man will read naturally."


As an O negative woman, I do agree with the assessment to an extent. The only downside of trying to date by your blood type is that some people do not even know what their blood type is, which if you do not, I highly recommend finding out. Not only for this new technique in dating, but for your own health awareness. It also begs the question if this is a cut and dry assessment. For instance, with astrology, it is hard to go by someone’s sign, especially if that person was born on the cusp and can have traits from two astrological signs.

It's an interesting theory, once there is more research and people wanting to use this system, we can learn more about ourselves and how we are with like-minded and like-blood typed people. For more information on your own blood type go to Happy Dating! 

Christy Goldstein, a dating coach and a dating expert, can help you with all of your dating needs. Christy's blunt personality helps you move quicker through the dating scene. She can help you with your dating profile, your dating checklists, red flags and more! Contact her at
