7 Brilliant & Easy Ways To Use Social Media To Grow Your Online Business

Are you making the best use of social media for your business?

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Trying to use social media sites for your small or online business can be so frustrating! Social media marketing techniques can seem confusing, and knowing which social media platforms are best for your purposes might not seem obvious when you're just getting started.

Attracting business through social media strategy can seem like a full-time job, too.

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Many people have attempted by using social platforms as sales tools only. And while many products are sold via social media, the key to using social media advertising to attract more business is to be more social.

Another frustration with social platforms is just when you think you have all the rules down for your top social media sites and it’s working for you, your favorite platform changes them.

If you want to do better business online, here are 7 easy ways you can become a better social media influencer and gain new clients and followers:

1. Be social on social media

It may seem like a no brainer, but it's important. There's no better way to be social than when you show up to social events. If you're not there, you're not there.


And the same is true for social media.

Often business owners wonder why their posts are "ignored." And if you're trying social media management for your online pages, it's simple facts.

The algorithms have been tuned to "promote" content that others find interesting. So if you're not normally and regularly engaging on a platform, your posts are not likely to be seen. The fact is, the math isn't there.

Social media is social. I can’t share this one truth enough.

Some new business entrepreneurs make the erroneous assumption that posting a service offer or product on social media is equal to having a sales conversation with someone. This is simply not true.


While you have the potential to reach several ideal clients and interested parties, the social cyber-sphere is increasingly a pay-to-play platform. This means that in order for your stuff to be seen, it has to entice engagement and sharing.

There's no better way to be seen than when you show up.

2. Use social media as both a sales and entertainment platform

Do you ever wonder why poorly-acted, over-expressers gain so many social views, while your perfectly good service offers or product posts go unseen?

Many people go social when they’re bored or looking for passive tasks as they wait for the next thing to happen. So entertainment is an easy pursuit.


Entertaining posts help you use social media to attract business. When you can both entertain and educate others, you can provide a little brain candy.

People will often use social media to "positively procrastinate." Additionally, positive posts help to lift others up. They also help to stimulate positive hormones and brain activities.

Watching and/or reading involves very little risk, but you don't have to be a comedian. Instead, consider sharing content that aligns with your values, or posts that inspire and align with your ideal clients.

An easy way to do this is to find quotes over images that represent the hidden conversations already taking place in their heads. And always remember to cite your sources!


3. Create good relationships with followers and other businesses online

When someone posts a question in a social group, they're looking for an answer.

That person has a problem and wants to know how to solve it. So much so that they're asking for help.

If you have answers to the questions they have, you align instantly as an expert. To boost your social media clout and attract more business, focus on giving succinct, helpful answers.

If you have relevant advice or resources, share your insight, guidance, and expertise.

This does a couple of things: You gain readers and may resonate with some followers if you share relevant information often.

The second thing this does is builds your expertise capital. Meaning, before long, you’ll soon be recognized as an expert in your given topic or field.


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4. Share your success stories online

Although you may want to occasionally mute someone on a social rant, one of the best ways to attract business using social media is to boost someone up. Social media allows you to share (and even brag about) your friends, family members, and clients.


Also, honestly sharing client success stories highlights your business services through your client's positive results. Client success stories can take the form of case studies, before and after statements (or pictures), testimonials, and even the occasional thank you note.

Client stories can be used directly with your client’s permission, or you can disguise personal information and dates and share client successes in endless ways.

Another way social media attracts business is when you share pictures (or demos) of your products often. They don't necessarily have to be current.

Sharing your products socially helps keep you connected to the business and the results you achieve. This keeps your business in mind when others have needs for what you offer.


Social posts can truly help spread the good news. The more people who know what you do and how you can help, the more people you will naturally connect with.

5. Create demonstrations and how-to posts

Who can ignore those amazing videos that demonstrate assembling yummy recipes inside of sixty seconds? Not me! They are compelling. Demonstrating the journey from before to after is a great way to show your services.

One of the most common ways to use social media to attract more business is to share "how-to" messages. These can take the shape of demonstrations or steps to follow.

Many popular and attractive social media posts are recipes! If you’re a foodie, you know how often you’ve tuned in to watch how-to cooking videos.


Sharing how to do things is especially helpful if you belong to specialty groups.

6. Always respond with kindness and positivity

One of the keys to social success is an endorsement from others. In other words, success depends on how others feel and talk about you even when you're not in the room.

No one likes a downer and even fewer people like a hater! Social media has made it possible for negativity and irresponsible hate messages to run rampant.

However, when you use social media to attract, market, and promote your online business, it’s important to spread a little sunshine.

When you create alignment and agreement by authentically and positively responding to others, you will build social clout.


This is especially true since many people take to social media to express their current (and sometimes negative or angry) emotional state.

To effectively use social media to build a business, it’s important to speak authentically and truthfully. It’s nice to say something encouraging. Even if you don’t want a message shared publicly, you can always private message the person to offer words of encouragement.

7. Post frequently

Social media clout is all about being social, and being social is all about sharing.

Share your ideas, share other’s ideas, share your opinions (when you’re comfortable), and share your support.

And don't be afraid to share again in the future. If the advice was good three months ago, it's probably still good today.


Creating "evergreen" content, that is, content that can only be shared in very time-specific circumstances, helps position your message and increase your following.

Sharing is social … and sharing great information and ideas is part of a never-ending success formula for your small or online business.

Using social media authentically, openly, and honestly is a great way to attract more business.

Your posts, in your voice, allow others to "try you out" and get a feel for who you are. Using social media wisely can attract more ideal clients, especially when you offer expertise and enter conversations that are already taking place.

Happy clients create a ripple that will pay you back with more connections and new clients to come.


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Cena Block is a productivity consultant and certified organizer coach (COC) for professional women and entrepreneurs with ADHD. She is also the CEO of Sane Spaces and creator of the Time & Space Style Inventory™.