The Funny-Looking Trick For Relaxing Your Stiff, Sore Neck

Your neck feels lighter, and you feel taller and more relaxed.

Last updated on May 30, 2024

Relaxing Your Stiff Neck Ron Lach | Canva

Being an author, I spend a lot of time in front of my computer. My body remains nearly still in the same position throughout the day — just like millions of workers in the world. It takes a toll on our neck and shoulders.

We also experience a lot of mental stress from the boss, the colleagues, the deadlines, the kids, the parents (and more) and that makes for more tension in the neck. You may even sometimes wake up with a sore neck after sleeping in the wrong position. Whatever the reason for your stiff neck (if it is medical, please visit your health professional!) it is unpleasant, painful, inconvenient, or bad for your well-being, and you want to get rid of it.


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How I (accidentally) learned to relax my neck

I found the solution by coincidence when I was studying acupressure in Berkeley, CA. It was the end of the day, I was in a park with a gorgeous view, the sunlight was golden and warm, and I decided to study lying down on a bench. To be able to read my books and notes, I had to support my head, which I did with what I had: books.

When I got up to go back home, I immediately felt my neck was different. It was relaxed. And I could feel the blood and the energy flow freely through it from my head to my back. The feeling was divine!


Now the problem was that I rested my head for an hour or so, and that is a lot of pressure for any muscle! So I got aches (within a few hours!), and the day after my neck felt like my thighs after 50 miles of biking.

So I experimented more, and here is the result.

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What to do when your neck is stiff

  • On the floor, pile up a few hardcover books, dictionaries, or encyclopedias.
  • Lay down on your back, your neck right on the top edge of the books pile. The pile has to be high enough so that your neck truly rests on the edge. You should feel the full weight of your head on your muscles, not on the skull.
  • Completely relax your head. Its weight crunches the back neck muscles.
  • Very slowly, turn your head to the right, and then to the left, and again, for a few minutes. You must feel the edge of the book pressing on your neck muscles.
  • Then stay still for 1 min. Close your eyes. Wait until the pain fades off.
  • Stand up slowly, because as soon as you carry your head back up, blood suddenly flows in.

Woman at laptop is trying to relax her stiff neck Ekkasit A Siam via Shutterstock


I realized that while my head was resting on the pile of books, the back of my neck was resting on the edge of the book on top of the pile. It was a hardcover book, and the weight of my head pressed my neck on this hard edge, just like acupressure. I didn't have to do anything, just lay down and do something else. I could have slept, for that matter!

Feel the difference: your neck feels lighter, and you feel much taller! Repeat this exercise once a day. And drink a lot of water afterward to avoid the aches!

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Anne Cosse is a wellness coach and the author of Facial Rejuvenation Acupressure: Look 10 Years Younger In 10 Min Per Day.