Luck Improves The Week Of May 6 - 12, For These 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs

The dawning of a new chapter is upon them.

Luck Improves The Week Of May 6 - 12, For These 5 Chinese Zodiac Signs jessicahyde from Getty Images, DAPA Images | Canva Pro

Speak from your heart this week, between May 6 - 12, 2024. Luck will find you when you do. Of course, five Chinese zodiac signs will have the best luck out of them all. Namely, Ox, Rabbit, Rooster, Horse, and Tiger. But the rest are urged to listen to their feelings and be true to themselves too.

The I Ching hexagram of luck this week is Mountain over Water (#4) changing to Earth over Water (#7). This hexagram reminds us that wisdom cannot be gained in a vacuum. You must put yourself out of your comfort zone and explore the world to gain perspective and apply yourself. The pace you set for yourself is irrelevant. Whether fast or slow, growth and exploration always go hand in hand.


This is important because luck cannot enter your life if you don't allow it to. So explore and watch as luck finds you in the quirkiest of spaces and the most intriguing company. Just remember: you cannot know you got lucky if you don't know the value of something. So growth and exploration are also important for not walking past good luck. Take notice even as more experienced people shake their heads in flabbergasted dismay since that luck was not for them. 


If you feel called to, buy a 5-year journal at your local bookstore. Most of them have an assortment of thought-provoking questions that, as the years progress, show you your progress, too. Now let's focus on the five Chinese zodiac signs that are the luckiest this week between May 6 - 12.

Five Chinese zodiac signs luckiest this week of May 6 - 12, 2024:

1. Ox: Investor's luck

Ox, your luck this week is about trusting your instincts regarding where to invest your money or capital. Some of you are trying to do something big and know the stakes very well. Luck is here to help you make the right decisions to multiply your efforts and investments exactly as you wish.

The color orange will be lucky for you this week. Wear it more often to give yourself courage and a confidence boost. But don't overdo it, as it may clash with your native energy and personality.

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2. Rabbit: Intuitive luck

Rabbit, the energy this week has a weird quality to it. Don't be surprised if weird things happen to you under this influence, including an upsurge in your intuitive abilities or psychic gifts. Your luck is tied to this phenomenon and will lead you to the most intriguing opportunities and adventures. Meditating can help you stay grounded and follow the call of this luck better.

The colors blue and purple are lucky for you this week. So is working with Clear Quartz crystal. The latter will bring you greater clarity and increased patience.

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3. Rooster: Luck of the traveler

Rooster, the energy this week is all about finding your luck on the road. So make plans and go on adventures outside your home. Whether you go hiking or choose to sunbathe by the sea, luck will bring you interesting possibilities, conversations, and even friendships. Be open-minded and you will be able to fully experience the wonders in store for you.


If you feel called to, carry a journal or notepad wherever you go and jot down any stray thoughts or insights as you are roaming around. Some of them will lead to a-ha moments. Others will inspire you to take better actions.

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4. Horse: Monetary luck

Horse, your luck this week is liquid gold! Don't be surprised if you find opportunities to make more money or get a financial windfall. For some, this will come to you from your family. For others, this boon is tied to a new adventure in your career. Look forward to good things!

The color green is lucky for you this week, and so is working with flowers, especially daisies. Place a bunch of the latter on your work desk to bring peace and calm.


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5. Tiger: Adventurous luck!

Tiger, you will find your luck this week when you step out of your comfort zone. So face your fears! It's now or never. A beautiful path lies ahead of you. Don't let it slip away because of the naysayers in your life who don't have any confidence in you. Your luck will pave the way forward, so embark on this new adventure.

The colors purple, green, and blue will be lucky for you this week, especially green shoes. If you feel called to, carry a white handkerchief in your pocket, too. It's a symbol of an open heart and will bring you like-minded people on the path ahead.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.