3 Zodiac Signs Who Overcome Life's Challenges Now Through May 31

May 2024 leads to great and important personal lessons.

Zodiac Signs Who Overcome Life's Challenges May 2024 pixelshot, titoOnz from Getty Images | Canva Pro

This May, we want a new beginning and a fresh start, but some of us might feel as though things aren't moving quickly enough, so we feel frustrated with the pace of things. We expect, and therefore, we are already asking too much. While it's nice to think we can look forward to results, something about the lineup of transits this month tells us that we aren't in charge here. We move according to universal law, and if the universe isn't about to budge, neither are we.


It will be during this time that the entire idea of patience comes up as a very real topic. We might end up doing a little comparison between ourselves and others. We may ask, 'Why do they have all that?' while wondering why they have less. This is the unraveling, but it could lead to great and important personal lessons.

May of 2024 brings us the transits Venus square Pluto, Pluto in retrograde, an Aries Moon, Moon conjunct Mars, Moon square Pluto, Mercury in Taurus, Gemini season's beginning, a Full Moon in Sagittarius, and a Mercury alignment with Saturn. Everything here shows us that we can overcome any obstacle but that the first move is to 'go with the flow' and have patience. This month teaches us that we cannot force a thing into being. We have to wait, and we have to stop comparing our lives to the lives of others.


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Three zodiac signs who overcome life's challenges from now through May 31

1. Aries

While it would be hard to say that all of May will be rough for you, Aries, you will see some challenging days. What you do with those days is what could either make the whole month a royal mess or something you learn some seriously good lessons. The way this month turns sloppy for you starts right at the beginning, and it will be up to you to interpret what goes on in your life in a way that helps you rather than hinders you.

So, it's really about perception. Situations can give you a reason to see things as bleak or hopeless, directly conflicting with your original plan of 'having the greatest month ever.' You start with high hopes, but rather than let life get you down, you will face yourself in the mirror to see what is happening 'out there, in the world.'

You're smart, and that's the brightest side of it. If perception is everything, then it doesn't take you long to re-route your perception so that you can see things in a positive light. When you notice that you are starting to get into a funk, you, being a strong and decisive Aries, will steer yourself back on track. Yes, there will be challenges, and yes, you will get through them all.


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2. Cancer

Taurus season has you feeling pretty good about yourself and your relationship. However, you are still you, which means you can't help but go a little too deep into the relationship, leading to finding things you didn't want to. You are curious about your partner's secrets, and even if they explain how they don't have much to hide, you'll pry a little too hard and find what you didn't wish to know.

In May 2024, you forgot the original plan—to accept and understand your partner 'as is.' This plan came up because you were having difficulty just being yourselves. You figured that if you were upfront and honest about everything, everything would fall into place. The only problem is that May is so rife with transformational transits that you can't commit to one way of thinking: you are always looking for 'what's wrong here.'

You will overcome this emotionally; it will take work and a deep dive into your mind. If you are willing to come to terms with the hurt person inside you and heal that person, you will give yourself another chance at love and trust. This month, you peel back the layers of the onion so that you can discover who you are. It's all good, Cancer.


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3. Leo

First of all, there are only a few rough days for you during May of 2024, and Leo, these are days you can work with. There's a lot of Pluto going on during May, and while you would like to believe you're all about change and progress, the reality is that when you are prompted into action, you aren't as keen on change as you'd like to think you are.

It's during this month that you challenge yourself. You see a few important things in your life that you need to address, and if you don't get to them, you'll see disaster occur. So, you feel the pressure to change and the fear of not knowing what will happen. Fear of the unknown may stop you in your tracks this month, Leo, and that's your major obstacle.

You are courageous. If something scares you, you'll whip out your impulsive side and get on top of that fear. That's right; you may not know what you're doing, but you do know that something's gotta give, and you want to transform your life NOW before it's too late. This is your forte, Leo. You will take chances, even if you don't know what those risks will bring you. You'll know that if fate calls, then you must answer.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.