Which 2 Zodiac Signs Will Experience Abundance On March 30, 2024

Lilith and Uranus help us to break free from scarcity and step into our greatest abundance.

2 Zodiac Signs Experience Abundance On March 30, 2024 Marcin Jucha, Julia Dreams, Floral Deco | Canva Pro

Two specific zodiac signs will have an opportunity to manifest abundantly on March 30, 2024. When it comes to the rules you often live your life by, there are two sets. One is artificial rules governing what is acceptable in terms of the choices you make or what motivates you, but the other is those of the universe.

The laws of the universe are different. We only ask that you practice integrity, honesty, and sincerity as you craft your most abundant life. When you learn the difference between the two, you cannot only manifest the power of attraction, but you can also live with greater authenticity.


On Saturday, March 30, asteroid Lilith in Aries will align with Uranus in Taurus, helping you break the rules serving as limitations or blockades to creating the abundance you desire.

This energy helps to remind you that you can’t live your life according to what others think is acceptable and that if you want to live a life of greatness, you also will have to take great risks.


Lilith and Uranus help to liberate you so that you can act with greater authenticity, which is the key to creating abundance. By helping you understand that you can only make decisions that are right for you, a clear message of readiness and confidence is sent to the universe. This also allows you to recognize that many of the rules you may have lived your life upon up to this point have been put in place by those too afraid to challenge the status quo and live the life they are meant to.

Embrace your freedom and let yourself begin to radiate an energy of abundance, knowing you never have to fear losing what is destined to be yours.

Two zodiac signs who experience abundance on March 30, 2024:

1. Leo

Abundance Affirmation: I am manifesting abundance in my career.


You have the full support of the universe right now in changing your career for the better. To seize this, you must start taking full advantage of the opportunities that are being presented to you. The energy of Lilith in Aries and Uranus in Taurus is highlighting your house of abundance and career, giving you the space to start doing things your way. Remember that listening to your intuition isn’t something that controls the ego. Instead, it is the direct reflection of feeling confident enough to do whatever is necessary to achieve the success you want.

Lilith is a rule breaker, in Aries, it tends to push you even further as you challenge societal norms, or the expectations of others. Lilith in Aries highlights your house of abundance, which can bring up a change in where you work, where you live, or the type of work that you are attracted to. Education and spiritual pursuits are heightened with this energy, as is travel, so it’s important to remain open to unexpected developments so that you can take the opportunity for abundance when it arrives.

While Lilith is known for breaking all the rules, Uranus isn’t exactly known for its conventionality. As the planet that rules shock and awe and unexpected developments, Uranus gives you a supercharged power to do what you feel called to rather than simply honoring outdated obligations or responsibilities. This energy will not only impact your career or major if you are in college but also help you understand how crucial it is to own who you are to attract and manifest a professionally abundant life.

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2. Virgo

Abundance Affirmation: I am embracing changes to attract greater abundance in my life.

There will be some profound opportunities for expansion as Lilith unites with Uranus, creating a bridge between the changes you welcome into your life and the abundance that you experience. You’ve found yourself stretching in unexpected ways recently as you have become more comfortable with the process rather than only focusing on the outcomes. This has let you see that change isn’t a threat to you but, instead, the portal of magnificence that has the power to deliver you to the life you’ve always wanted.

Asteroid Lilith in Aries spotlights your house of transformation and brings in themes of inheritance or other people’s money, which may also concern your profession. While Lilith in Aries is encouraging you to do things differently and focus on what you want with greater certainty, Uranus in Taurus is helping to bring positive and unexpected shifts to your life path. In Taurus, Uranus is focusing its energy on continuing or returning to school, business opportunities, or travel and personal opportunities. The message from the universe is clear: everything you desire lies on the other side of the changes you’ve been avoiding.


Lean into what feels uncomfortable. If it differs from what you had thought would happen, allow yourself to entertain the possibilities as they arise. Lilith and Uranus, in these areas of your life, you will have to go against what others wanted for you or who you thought you were to have not just an abundant life but a highly luxurious one. If you’ve recently inherited any money, you are being guided to focus on investing it in the life you want to live rather than necessary practicalities. Even though this might feel like a risk, you must know that through this process, you will receive even more than you have ever dreamed of.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. For more information about her work, visit her website.
