These 3 Zodiac Signs Won't Be Fooled By Love On April Fool's Day

It's April Fool's Day and here we are, waiting to be fooled, pranked or tricked.

3 Zodiac Signs Won't Be Fool By Love On April Fool's Day unpopular content,MilanMarkovic from getty images

It's April Fool's Day, and here we are, waiting to be fooled, pranked, or tricked by someone who is waiting for us just around the corner. We're all ready to blame someone or something for whatever happens on this day. 

If ever there were a 'fall guy,' it would be Mercury retrograde. So, if something happens on this day that has you feeling like a fool, then you know 'who' to blame for this oh-so-hilarious April 1 prank of a day: our friend, Merc the Jerk.


We've got some Mars energy building up our expectations. We're ready to get angry when nothing's actually happened just yet. There's no guarantee that anything is going to happen. For these three zodiac signs, we know that we're a little more sensitive than usual. Our anticipating of something negative might just pay off simply because we're dwelling on it.

That's a good sign for us to pull back and get a grip. Just because it's April Fool's Day doesn't necessarily mean someone's going to trick us. Like they did last year, and the year before, and the year before. This time, oh no, we won't get fooled again. We even have a theme song to back us up! Still in all, Merc the Jerk is, unfortunately, quite supportive of April Fool's Day, so our best bet on this day is to give it no quarter.


Three zodiac signs won't be fooled by love on April Fool's Day, April 1, 2024:

1. Cancer 

April 1 has you on guard, protecting yourself from what you think might happen, whether it happens or not. This day has you feeling jumpy and jittery. While you can't put your finger on it, you keep thinking that someone will jump out of a closet to scare you. As wild and possibly paranoid as that may sound, you have your reasons for feeling this way, as you feel particularly vulnerable on April Fool's Day.

Keep in mind that the main reason you feel this way is that this is also the first day of Mercury's retrograde. You know in your heart that if you let down your guard, you'll get pranked. While this may feel childish to you, it's built-in, a program that you've never shut down, and it may indeed have started in childhood. April 1 represents false starts, jokes that aren't funny, and you, somehow, being in the middle of all of it.

What you know is that you aren't the same 'kid' that you used to be and that, thankfully, you've learned a ton and a half about how to live and how to live wisely. Your attitude during the first day of Mercury retrograde is one of defensiveness, even though you know you'll rise to your full strength shortly. You won't let this day get you down, and you won't be fooled again. Not this cancer, nope, nada, is not happening.

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2. Libra 

On this day, April 1, 2024, you are comfortable being on the defense. That is mainly because you've been on the wrong side of a prank in the past, which taught you to be wary of the future. The future has now become the present, and here you are during the first day of Mercury retrograde. You feel aware, on guard, and ready to defend yourself.

You feel as though there are people out there who take you for a fool simply because, at one point, a zillion years ago, you did something that ended up with you being embarrassed. And people like to laugh over stuff like that, even if that laughter is at your expense. During Mercury retrograde, you trust people even less than you did in the past. While you'd sincerely like to give them all a second chance — and you will — it's not happening on this day, April 1.

You need your time to get yourself back into a place where you can ease up and feel comfortable with trusting people again. As for right now, however, you'll do what you can to get through the day. You are absolutely not putting yourself out there, as right now, you believe that if you do, there will be someone waiting to make a fool out of you. Your best bet is to take your time and gently make your way back to the land of the living. You will heal, Libra ... it's all about time.

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3. Sagittarius 

There are so many lessons coming at you this year that you can hardly take them all in without reeling around in dizziness. You are doing so well. Yet, this day has you on edge. April 1 could have been a very productive and creative day for you. Something is going on inside you, some psychic wave of interference. It makes you feel slightly paranoid, as if something 'big' is going to happen.

You are reacting directly to Mercury retrograde, as this is typical of the transit, in that it will have us reaching for explanations to ideas that come out of nowhere and have no real answers. What you'll experience on this day, April 1, 2024, is the idea that you don't want to be taken advantage of, nor do you want to be taken for granted. You feel as though you are an important person. On this day, you may feel as though people are seeing right through you.

The thing that gets on your nerves is the idea of not being seen for who you are ... that's a very Sagittarius thing. You believe you are special, and you don't want to be treated as if you are inexperienced or foolish. You resent being treated like a child when you are anything but a child. During Mercury retrograde, you'll be on the defensive. You aren't going to let anyone get over on you, even though the reality is that nobody's really trying to do that.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.