The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Very Lucky In Love On April 1, 2024

We are the ones who refuse to let Mercury retrograde tamper with our psyches.

the three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love on april 1, 2024 Gambar Madu, mihailomilovanovic from Getty Images Signature, witoldkr1 from Getty Images | Canva Pro

It's April 1, 2024, and we are feeling mighty fine. Whatever they say about this being a day for getting fooled, well ... whatever. Words will be words, but actions? Ah, that's where we reign supreme on this day, and despite the fact that Mercury begins its retrograde transit, we still have some good news coming in from the Martian front. It's got nothing to do with little green men.

Mars is working in tandem with the Moon on this day. It just so happens that for three zodiac signs, this particular Mars/Moon alignment is very, very good for our love lives.


Maybe it's the idea that April seems to kick in the new season, and mentally, we connect to April with the beginning of all things good. We might be on to something with that kind of thinking. With the Mars/Moon alignment, we may also see something interesting in our romances.

We are the ones who refuse to let Mercury retrograde tamper with our psyches. Sure, things may get a bit confusing on this day, but that's what 'things' do ... we, on the other hand, are not 'things.'



We are going to stand tall in the face of the retrograde, and we are going to do the right thing in love for our partners and ourselves. If we had a song for this day, it would be an anthem — we are THAT good.


How Mercury retrograde brings luck to love for these zodiac signs on April 1:

1. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20)

You will use that Mercury retrograde to your advantage because, hey, you're a Gemini, and if anyone can dance this dance, it's you. You know what this tricky transit is all about, and most of your knowledge comes from experience. You've seen retrograde transits tear your life apart, but not this time. Oh no, not this time. While that shows you to be a bit arrogant, let it be so that you're not buckling under the pressure.

Where the Mars influence comes in is not so much in anger or hostility but in backbone and focused strength. You will not let this day get you, and the last thing you'll consent to is having your relationship come under its influence. Once again, oh no. You've worked very hard for this romantic relationship, and you're not about to let a little planet like Mercury hamper your beautiful progress.

What you may see happening at this time is that if you find things slipping, you'll consciously steer them back on track. If your partner isn't as strong as you when it comes to staving off cosmic influences, you'll gently guide them back to where everything is safe, sound, and protected by you, Gemini. On April 1, you are the great protector, and you will guard your lover against the powers of the retrograde.


RELATED: 8 Reasons Gemini Women Are The Best Women To Love

2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

The first thing that comes up for you on this first day of the month is the idea that you feel happier than you ever have, and so much of that is due to the idea that you and your romantic partner have turned a new leaf and that you're both treating each other with real respect. Gone are the days when you take advantage of each other's presence. You've come to appreciate that life is short and that loving another person is a true gift.

During the Mercury retrograde, you may find it difficult to stay on track with this kind of thinking, as this day may bring a few upsets in terms of materialistic things. These could manifest as a broken appliance or an email that should have been answered days ago. It's the little things, but these things could potentially get under your skin and have you feeling and acting annoyed.


That's where your partner picks up on the cues and comes to the rescue. Once they start laughing at things and showing you that they are taking it all surprisingly well, you will see how trivial it all is. You've got love in your life, so it's a big deal if you didn't answer an email. You'll do that ASAP, but if that's the biggest problem you've got, then consider your life to be pretty darned good. Nice!

RELATED: 14 Pros And Cons Of Loving A Scorpio (Buckle Up For A Wild Ride!)

3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20)

All you know is that the world seems to be overreacting to this Mercury retrograde deal, and maybe there's something to it, or maybe it's just a cosmic hoax. The reality is that you feel fabulous on this first day of April. You are certainly not going to let a little word-of-mouth transit get in the way of your fabulousness. This carries on into your love life. It's a good day for you and your partner.


Mercury retrograde brings you the determination not to let things get you down when it comes to a Mars influence. This, Pisces, is one of your hidden talents, and in a way, it's enviable. It's miraculous to be the person who doesn't let things tear you down, and you'll be demonstrating that talent on this day, April 1, 2024. This is where your romantic partner gets to see you in action, and they like what they see.

So, you and your partner will sit up on your perch and look down on all the other folks who seem to be making way too big a deal about the Mercury retrograde. Sure, it's real, and it's creating havoc, but are you going to let it grab you and throttle you? Oh, no way. You, Pisces, are surprisingly the strongest zodiac sign during events such as this one — rock on.

RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs That Are Pisces Soulmates

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
