3 Zodiac Signs Have Good Reason To Be Optimistic About The Future On March 20, 2024

On Wednesday, during the Spring Equinox, we will happily let ourselves feel better about everything.

3 Zodiac Signs Feel Optimistic About The Future On March 20, 2024 Karsten Winegeart via Unsplash / Artulina via Canva

With the Sun in Aries and the Spring Equinox approaching, it's hard to feel anything less than purely optimistic about the present and the future that's just around the corner.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024, is the day that brings sunshine in terms of our attitudes. We may even find ourselves laughing at ourselves over how 'light' we feel.

And really, who could say no to such a good feeling? While all of us are quite capable of making this attitude our own, the real treat will be coming to these three zodiac signs, as we seem to have needed a 'lift' the most.


When we're ready to change, we change. This Wednesday, we will accept that if 'something's gotta give,' then we will stand out of its way and let it happen.

What creates a brighter perspective in us is our realization that if things are to get better in our lives, we have to play an active role in making them better. This also implies getting out of our way so that positive energy can flow.


On Wednesday, during the Spring Equinox, we will happily let ourselves feel better about everything in our lives so that we can continue with that fantastically good perspective.

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Three zodiac signs feel optimistic about the future on March 20, 2024:

1. Aries 

Oh yeah. You're feeling the burn now, Aries, as if you've been working out all this time. Now, you can't help but feel as though all those mental muscles are just coming into full-on relaxation mode. You are on it during the Spring Equinox, and Wednesday, March 20, shows you that you are the boss of your own life here and that if you can think it so, then you can make it so.



This day is all positive energy where you are concerned. While you may not always feel this upbeat, you know a good thing when you see it. This day brings you all 'good things,' for sure. You see that your own brighter attitude and perspective work on others as well, as they find it a delightful addition to their own lives. Your good attitude helps others on this day, and you like being of help.


What you need in your life has finally come around to show you that, yes, indeed, it's possible. You haven't been shut out of the good stuff. In fact, now that the Spring Equinox has turned the leaf, you feel as though you're just about to walk into the most powerful and positive time of your life. And guess what, Aries? You'd be right, and it all begins this Wednesday. Power grab!

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2. Cancer 

Days like Wednesday have you shifting your attitude all the way around, which may even startle you at first. What this means is that during the Spring Equinox of '24, you'll show yourself that you can, indeed, do a '180' as they say, as you find that it's quite easy to shift your perspective from dark and dreary to light and hopeful. Oh yes, it's possible to feel hopeful again, and not only that. It's possible to STAY hopeful. OMG, this is working!

The truth is, this is exactly the stuff you've been in need of. During the Spring Equinox, starting this Wednesday, you'll know exactly what people mean when they say they've done a complete about-face, and in your world, that means you are now facing forward, ready to accept the new day and ready to receive all the love that is coming your way.


How could you not have a brighter perspective on a day when everything is practically going to delight you? During the Spring Equinox, you see miracles in the mundane. You feel as though hope exists where, at one point, you saw none. This day brings not only a breath of fresh air for you, Cancer, but also the idea that you, too, are part of it all and that, with the right attitude, you can shape your fate.

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3. Libra 

Wednesday, March 20, shows you, Libra, that taking everything too seriously only hurts you in the long run. That's why, during the Spring Equinox, you'll find that laughter truly is the best medicine. Levity is what you need in your life. You fought against it for too long, thinking that you needed to take a firmer approach with a stricter viewpoint. However, all that changes on this day as you realize it's so much more fun to allow yourself a lighthearted laugh.


This Wednesday is all about newness and your take on change. What makes it all so promising is that during the Spring Equinox, you finally believe that change is possible. You aren't doubting yourself, nor are you wondering when it will all collapse. You are simply giving yourself over to the idea that if you stay positive, then positive things will manifest as a result of that kind of thinking.

This could be considered your 'new beginning,' and you surely do deserve to change things up, Libra. It's time for you to shine, to get into the wild and free feeling of being creative once again. You know you are at your best when you're deeply involved with a project or some kind of creative act, so dive in and dive deep into Libra. The Spring Equinox is upon us, and that means you! Roll up those sleeves and get those hands dirty!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
