3 Zodiac Signs Get Real With Themselves On March 10, 2024

We have to shrug off that which holds us back.

3 Zodiac Signs Get Real With Themselves On March 10, 2024 khosro, Luis Felipe Alburquerque Briganti from Pexels, miyukifkd fukuda | Canva Pro

This day brings us a new moon in Pisces, gearing up to enter Aries, which basically translates as a choice that needs to be made and one that has to opt for power, change and truth. During this time, we may feel as though something 'snaps' inside us and that we can no longer go on either lying to ourselves about something or simply going about our lives in a way that feels ingenuous to us. This is the day we prepare for change. This is the day we get ready to get real.




If we are to 'get real,' we need to understand what 'real' means to us within the context of what's going on in our lives and how the transits affect that choice. What we know right now is that we have been kidding ourselves, one way or another. That, at least for three zodiac signs, something has been tugging at our hearts that is telling us that this is no way to live and that we have to shrug off that which holds us back, as we come to admit to exactly what that might be.


On this day, during the new moon, we examine how we compare ourselves to others in order to be more like them. We see how futile that kind of life really is and how if only we could trust in ourselves, in our physical appearance, in our power, we'd be able to be freer people. This is getting real, and we need to get there now. The Comparison Games are over. It's time to get real and love it.

Zodiac signs who get real with themselves on March 10, 2024:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

The last time you disliked what you saw in the mirror marks ancient history for yourself. You've always been someone who prefers reality to some kind of expected fantasy when it comes to how you look to others. You definitely like looking good, and your appearance is important to you. However, during the New Moon, you will feel all the more powerful about the idea of simply being who you are and being accepted for just that.

You are at a stage in your life where you don't want to have to put on a show. If a person likes you, then this is what they get. Your Taurus energy is immense, and it works for you. When the New Moon transits into your life, you are quick to make decisions that serve you. On this day, what serves you is 'getting real' and keeping it that way. You are over-trying to please some kind of standard. That's not who you are, nor will it ever be.


You are an original and a lover of your own life, and you honor this life by being true to yourself. You aren't chasing an ideal that has you twisting and turning yourself into someone else's idea of who you should be and what you should look like. You want to keep it real for as long as you possibly can. You're not playing games anymore. You aren't here on Earth to be anyone but yourself, as is, totally real. So there!

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2. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

The way you keep it real is by owning who you are, through and through, as you don't feel you have the energy to go through the motions of pretending to be someone you're not. You see what's going on around you. You have friends who torment themselves trying to live up to ideals and standards set by society and social media platforms. Enough is enough! During the New Moon, you're not in the mood to be a replicant. You are a human being, and your attitude as of this day, March 10, is 'love me or leave me.'


None of this comes easily to you, Virgo, but when it comes, it's real. You've tried to fit in, play the game, and follow the rules. But it only seems to be getting harder and harder for you to fit in as you've noticed the rules keep getting harder to abide by. Such perfection has started to become the bane of your existence. During the New Moon, you're just saying all the 'no' there is to it.

You are real, and you don't care what anyone thinks of it. In fact, you'll be setting an example by owning that reality of yours because when they realize they can't get you down, they may want some of your liberating attitudes for their own. Imagine setting someone else free by rebelling against what they want. Who knows, Virgo, you may end up being a driving force for the cause of 'getting real.'

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3. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)


You could talk a good game and show the world by example that you're as real as it gets. This is not something that came naturally to you, as you've spent just as much time as the next person trying to fit in, be like everyone else, live up to the physical standards set out by TikTok videos and whatnot, enough with it all. You feel as though life has turned into a circus, with everyone trying to become the same clown. Where is the originality? That's what gets you the most, Sagittarius: the idea that everyone wants to be the same image.

During the New Moon on March 10, you'll reject the push for insincerity and dedicate the rest of your life to being real and standing up for this kind of reality. If you are not interested in wasting precious life energy trying to be something you can never be, why bother? All you want at this point in your life is to get through the day in one piece. 

Life is hard enough, so why would we want to put that extra pressure on ourselves to do it as an ideal rather than as a real person? And so, during the New Moon, your decision to keep it real and just be yourself will go solid. Not viral. The social media people do not approve of it; it's just real. All you want is for it to get real and keep it real. You are you, beautiful, unique, imperfect. That's all you can ever ask for, as this is what truly makes you happy—acceptance of yourself as you are.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.