3 Zodiac Signs Reconnect With An Old Friend At The Start Of The Week

March is the new January.

3 Zodiac Signs Reconnect With An Old Friend On March 5, 2024 Jacob Lund | Canva Pro

One might say that around this time of the year, all the real 'late bloomers' come out to play, meaning that for these folks, who happen to be born under these three zodiac signs, are the ones for whom March is the new January.

This is when it all begins. The excuses are finished, and the chance to hang back and feel less active is less desirable now that spring is approaching. We want to get involved again, and there's no better transit than Moon trine Jupiter to get us back in the game.


What this creates for these three zodiac signs is a need to become more social; we want our friends back! We want to be involved, noticed, and engaged in sports, fun, events, and friendships.

We are now feeling friendly and ready to start the machine up again; we may go through our social media friend list or unread text messages and stop on a name from the past that captures our attention.



This week, three zodiac signs rekindle an old friendship...and it works. We tend to think it would be a cool idea to reach out to an old friend, but we oftentimes get stuck in that place where we just go over the past a few thousand times and then realize that we've got nothing more in common with this person ... until this day.


During Moon trine Jupiter, from March 5 - 7, 2024, we reunite with a beloved old friend, and we are most certainly glad we did.

Three zodiac signs who reconnect with an old friend at the start of the week:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

If there's anyone here who loves to patiently enjoy a new year, it might have been you. But that doesn't necessarily mean you're lazy; you just like doing things at your own pace, and that pace will suddenly go into overdrive as you realize that, dang, it's good to be alive!

And, in being alive and wanting to live a fun and amazing life, you will take the available energy that hovers by you on at the start of the week and you will make the best of it. That energy has a name, and it's Moon trine Jupiter. Moon trine Jupiter is your lucky charm, and it will bring you what you love most in this life: friends. And in your case, it just so happens to be able to present you with an opportunity to reunite with an old, beloved pal of yours.


This thrills you, as you adore this person and because everything in your life seems to be leading to this place, you'll find that at some point during this day, you and this person will strike up a conversation once again that won't lead to endless reminiscing (though, that will be the early part of it). You'll see that in this old friend, new opportunities are available to you now, and this reunion is the jumpstart you needed to get in the swing of things. Good for you!

RELATED: Why Your Friendships Usually Don't Last Forever

2. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20)

Friends are always there for you, and even more so than romantic acquaintances, you've always known that friends mean the most to you in your life.  You'll find that someone from your distant past just happens to have moved into the area and they would like for you to show them around, if that's OK with you. What's OK with you is the idea that you can perhaps rekindle this friendship, as it sort of petered out over the years.


What you have on your side is the expansive thinking that comes with the transit of Moon trine Jupiter, and what's meant by that is that this new old friend of yours does not think the way you do at this point in your life. In fact, this reunion is delicate as you happen to be stuck in your ways, and they, perhaps, are just as stuck in their ways. But still, there's that odd compatibility that you once had, and it's still there.

This is your opportunity to grow and learn from them, and vice versa. It's nice to have friends who have opposing opinions, and even though in the past you weren't fond of such 'learning experiences,' you'll find that you feel very different now, and with Moon trine Jupiter helping the situation alone, this old friend of yours might just become your new bestie. How awesome for you, Gemini.

RELATED: 10 Zodiac Friendships That Shouldn't Work, But Somehow Do

3. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)


You are so touched by the idea that that old friend of yours has reached out to you that you feel your heart expanding to let all the love in. You never really expect it to happen to you as you always think of yourself as the one who makes all the first moves, so when this old pal contacts you at the top of the week, you'll be practically in tears of joy, thinking that they really do 'like you.'

While it's not as pathetic as all that, the truth is that you aren't used to being approached, in fact, you may have created the atmosphere by insisting that you are the 'one who knocks,' but during Moon trine Jupiter, everything flips on its side, and you'll find that you are the one that this person wishes to rekindle a friendship with. At first, you may even be hesitant or lacking in trust; what do they want? Are they here to hurt me?

This is the day that you say 'goodbye' to paranoid feelings about friends from the past and 'hi' to a new and re-established friendship. Count your lucky stars and be grateful for this experience, and know this, Sagittarius: you're the best friend anyone can get, so if Moon trine Jupiter puts your name into the mind of an old friend, it's their good fortune, as well. Know it!


RELATED: Zodiac Signs That Make The Best Friends

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.