3 Zodiac Signs May Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships Before The End Of This Week

We don't want to hurt anyone, that's for sure.

3 Zodiac Signs Fall Out Of Love & End Their Relationships Before The Week Is Over bymuratdeniz from Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

With a Capricorn Moon to start our lovely week of March 4 - 10, 2024, out, we know right at the top that whatever we plan on doing this week will be well thought out first. We will discover that we can no longer keep what is in our mind on the inside: we must speak up. It will be during this week that we, woefully or joyfully, end our present romantic relationship. 

With the Sun opposite Lilith occurring on March 7, we may even have to admit that, at least for three zodiac signs, we are leaving because we've found someone else.


At the same time, that's hard to take responsibility for. We don't want to come off as fools or impulsive, unthinking creatures, but there's a truth that comes with it. It's that some of us can no longer stay in the relationships we're in for reasons. As we approach Mercury in Aries, the confidence levels will rise. Even if we know what we're doing will hurt someone, we see that it has to be done. We don't want to hurt anyone, that's for sure.

This isn't about the pain we cause. So much of why we've held off until this week is simply because we didn't have the nerve to create such a painful condition earlier. We know that we must leave. With the week ending with a New Moon in Pisces, we can be confident that all parties involved will, indeed, be OK.


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Three zodiac signs who fall out of love and end their relationships before the week is over:

1. Gemini 

If there's one thing you can be certain of, it's that no matter what happens this week between you and your partner, everybody is going to make it out alive. That's not being sarcastic. In this case, during the transit of Mercury in Aries, words will be said. You, being you, Gemini, will fashion those words in such a way that both you and the partner whom you will be separating from this week, it will be OK.

This is someone you've spent plenty of time with. While times have become difficult for the two of you, there's still a huge amount of respect for each other involved. You're not going to let each other down. You will, however, be letting each other go, and that decision is one made in unity. It's time to say goodbye, and that, in its way, is a very good thing indeed.

You have both learned that this is best, even if that sounds like a cliche. What the two of you have learned is that you need to part ways so that you can retain what is good about the relationship rather than turn it into a mockery of its former self. You are both doing the right thing. You will both be fine after the initial shock wears off, which it will. Hang tight and know you're about to embark on a new adventure.


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2. Virgo 

It's impossible to ignore Lilith energy this week. You will see that this is what's at the heart of why you need to end your relationship with your partner. Nothing here is new, but before all that realized knowledge becomes stale, you both want to do what is necessary rather than put it off any longer. The feeling of redundancy has hit, and you both don't want to see it become hostility.

While all of this feels sad to you, Virgo, you know that things can only get better if you show the universe that what you really want is happiness. You certainly did try with this relationship. You can't be blamed for being lazy, but as we've all come to know and accept, sometimes love just doesn't work out. We know this, and while it's a tough call actually to leave a person, sometimes it's what must be.

That is why you'll be settling into your decision. You won't be deciding this all on your own, either. This is no surprise to your partner, as you have both discussed this at full length many times. What's different now is that the two of you recognize that timing is everything here, and this is the week that you must make good on all that talk of ending the relationship.


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3. Scorpio 

You will be moved into action as it will show you that you are missing out on a life that cannot occur unless you make certain sacrifices. Unfortunately, one of those sacrifices is ending the relationship you have with your present partner. You loved this person at one point, but you aren't even sure you love them anymore. What you do know is that you don't want to hurt them.

However, not wanting to hurt them has led you to stay put in the relationship, which has only made you unhappy. Sun opposite Lilith inspires you to take control of your life and do what you only thought was the unthinkable: break up with your partner. You have to do this, and you have to find a way to do it with grace, as you still really don't want them to feel 'discarded.'

It's all OK, Scorpio; these things happen, and we all know your intentions were good in the beginning. So were your partners, but life changed you both. You both, on some level, know that things cannot be sustained at the level of expectation that a couple's relationship requires. The days of trying are over. It's time to prepare your mind for the new. Once again, it's all OK. This happens, and it's just part of life, Scorpio.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.