What Each Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect The First Week Of March 2024

Blessed by inspiration.

Chinese Horoscopes For All Zodiac Signs, March 4 - 10, 2024 Prostock-Studio from Getty Images, Tartila, Maria Castellanos | Canva Pro

A divided heart will always find itself losing strength in every direction. A heart that knows what it wants will always emerge supreme. That's the energy of this week, between March 4 - 10, 2024. before we get to the weekly horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign, let's look at this week's messages for everyone.

The I-Ching hexagram of this week is Thunder over Mountain (#62). It reminds us that, like lightning crackling through a night sky, inspiration can emerge from anywhere and come to anyone.


What you do with that inspiration will reveal whether you are the kind to build mountains or the kind to float in the air. Or perhaps the kind to be the mother of great rivers.

Metaphorically, it means don't compare your journey to anyone else's. Your pace, preference, and perseverance will be different from anyone else you may meet. So, focus on what inspires you and what you have chosen to do for yourself. The rest will fall into place exactly as it should. Now, let's focus on the weekly horoscopes for each Chinese zodiac sign for March 4 - 10.

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Chinese zodiac signs weekly horoscope for March 4 - 10, 2024:


(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

General Overview:

Rat, the energy this week has a transitional feel to it. You can choose to stay where you are, but there's another option available to you that will come into your life over the next few weeks.

Lucky Day in Love: March 7

Your love life will be really strong this week. So expect king/queen treatment and a lot of fun times with your significant other or your dates. Dress to impress!

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 9

If you feel called to, express your gratitude for all the blessings you already possess in your life. It will keep you aligned with the positive forces of the world.


Lucky Day for Career: March 8

Your work life may be a little boring this week. Starting anything new in this arena is not recommended. If you do, keep the proceedings a secret.

RELATED: Your Chinese Zodiac Sign's Lucky Number


(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

General Overview:

Ox, the energy this week is relaxed and steady for you. You may not even remember much in the next week. Use this time to relax and recharge your batteries.

Lucky Day in Love: March 4

In love, you will feel at the top of the world and then some. Just make sure to brush off weird comments that come your way while you are having fun with your date/partner. Some people get salty for no reason.


Lucky Day in Friendship: March 5

You are encouraged to save money at this time for a grand celebration in your future — be it a wedding, a Eurotrip with your friends, or some other large-scale project. Just make sure you know exactly how much you need to save so it helps you manifest only the positive.

Lucky Day for Career: March 7

Beware of your boss this week! They may overwork you or try to cut into your off day or vacation.

RELATED: The Luckiest Day In March For Each Chinese Zodiac Sign


(1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

General Overview:

Tiger, the universe is conspiring in your favor at this time. It wants you to know that you are worthy of love and all that's good. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. Not this week, not ever.


Lucky Day in Love: March 10

In love, speak your mind, but speak from your heart. The right person will appreciate your honesty and know that your heart is in the right place, even if they may not see eye-to-eye with you at once.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 10

If you feel called to, the energy this week is perfect for journaling about your relationship with authority and how you wield power yourself. This introspection will come in handy later.

Lucky Day for Career: March 5

Listen to your intuition this week regarding your career. If someone is trying to cheat you out of your due or humiliate you, now may be a good time to consider moving on to a different company.


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(1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

General Overview:

Rabbit, the energy this week urges you to be more introverted than usual and use the time to reflect on your past, present and future. Soul healing is in store for you if you are open to receiving this blessing.

Lucky Day in Love: March 5

In love, your partner will treat you like royalty this week with only the best of the best reserved for you. Make sure to express your love for all that they do for you so the positive flow does not get blocked.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 8

Some of you may disagree with a family member this week or with your child. Too much stubbornness will make you drift apart. So try to communicate with more love and understanding.


Lucky Day for Career: March 10

Your work life will be absolutely fabulous this week! Prepare to have your mind blown and for fresh opportunities to grace your path.

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(1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024)

General Overview:

Dragon, what you choose to do this week is completely up to you. You have earned this freebie from fate because of all that you have done in the past. It's time to live it up!

Lucky Day in Love: March 10

In love, make sure outside forces are not trying to get between you and your partner/date. For some of you, a parent (especially a mother) may try to do this to stake claim to their "territory."


Lucky Day in Friendship: March 9

If you feel unsupported and alone, remember to be your own best friend. Don't beg for a seat at the table if the company reveals itself toxic and bad for your well-being.

Lucky Day for Career: March 10

Your work life will be really good this week but watch out for people dumping their tasks on you. It's time to set healthy boundaries and remain strong.

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(1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

General Overview:

Snake, anyone who tries to mess with you this week can contend with the cosmic forces first. You have karma on your side.

Lucky Day in Love: March 10


In love, focus more on self-care this week than chasing after potential partners or your significant other. It will help you rejuvenate your soul and heal yourself from within.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 5 & 6

You are also encouraged to speak your mind in social settings and be your authentic self. Don't let the bullies get away with their BS.

Lucky Day for Career: March 7 & 8

The energy around your career is strong now. So, continue to be diligent and patient. You will have your results soon enough.

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(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

General Overview:

Horse, you are encouraged to be your own best friend and turn inward this week. You are about to enter a new phase of life and need to prepare yourself mentally for it and recognize that you are deserving.


Lucky Day in Love: March 9

In love, let things unfold organically. If someone is rushing you too much, ask yourself why. A slower pace will bring you more blessings in this arena at this time.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 10

Some of you need to confront some truths about your social circle now. Are they truly your friends? Or are they riding your coattails for the freebies? The wrong people will hold you back during this transitional phase.

Lucky Day for Career: March 8

As for your career, be patient this week and let routines and responsibilities guide you. Now's not the time for grand beginnings but the time to nurture what's already going on.


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(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

General Overview:

Goat, the energy this week is really solid for you. You will feel blessed, beautiful and ready to take on the world!

Lucky Day in Love: March 8

In love, be sure to see the person in front of you for their truth and reality. Don't let your past sour your present, but also make sure you are not giving someone positive traits that they don't possess.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 7

If possible, strike a balance between socializing and making time for solitary pursuits and self-care this week. It will help you welcome the next week with more vigor and joy.


Lucky Day for Career: March 8

Some of you are about to cross the finish line in your career with respect to a project or undertaking. It's time for a celebration!

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(1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

General Overview:

Monkey, make time this week to engage with your inner child and reckon with your past. Therapy can definitely help you in this respect, but journaling is an excellent tool for this, too.

Lucky Day in Love: March 9

In love, know your worth, and don't let anyone walk all over you. If you get bad vibes from someone, get up and leave.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 5 & 6


Your social life will be absolutely fabulous this week! I look forward to more fun than usual and making a lot of great memories. You can throw a party at your place too if that is just the thing to do.

Lucky Day for Career: March 7

If you have been thinking of moving on in your career to better pastures, the energy this week encourages you to be serious about it and start the process. Trust your instincts on this one.

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(1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

General Overview:


Rooster, the energy this week is sweet and charming for you. Any projects you are working on currently, be they personal or at work, will benefit greatly from your cosmic blessings.

Lucky Day in Love: March 7

In love, you are encouraged to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Whether that's a new dating app, trying a new outfit style that's not your usual, or even something different in the intimate arena, try something new this week.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 8 & 9

If you feel called to, now's an excellent time to start a new adventure or learn something new, especially a new language.

Lucky Day for Career: March 10

The energy around your work life is also good this week. Let your confident side take charge.


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(1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

General Overview:

Dog, you have a lot of options available to you. Don't let anyone pigeonhole you or stop you from growing and transforming. It's time to move forward with courage and strength!

Lucky Day in Love: March 10

In love, don't guess anything. Ask for clarification if you need it, especially if someone is trying to put you in a situation when you actually want a committed relationship.

Lucky Day in Friendship: March 10

Your friends will be your greatest blessing this week, including getting you out of sticking situations in love. Express your gratitude to the ether for connecting you with such excellent people.


Lucky Day for Career: March 8

As for your career, the energy this week is not great for starting something new. So be on top of your routines and responsibilities, and you will be golden.

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(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

General Overview:

Pig, you are encouraged to merge your friend circle and your career at this time or make friends with the people you collaborate with. Good things await you on this path.

Lucky Day in Love: March 5

If you feel called to, hold back from love and romance this week. The energy here is better suited for focusing on other areas of life, especially your friendships.


Lucky Day in Friendship: March 6

You are urged to take the initiative this week and invite your friends for a weekend getaway or a vacation in the near future. Intriguing experiences await all of you here!

Lucky Day for Career: March 8

In your career, try to learn from your mistakes and evaluate what went wrong in the past so you can move forward with greater strength and conviction.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.