5 Zodiac Signs With Powerful Horoscopes On February 23, 2024

It's a moony day.

Zodiac Signs With Powerful Horoscopes On February 23, 2024 demaerre from Getty Images, grmarc2, Lana Veter | Canva Pro

The energy today, on February 23, 2024, is perfect for starting something new and starting it now. While five zodiac signs — Virgo, Gemini, Leo, Aquarius and Pisces — will benefit the most from leaning into this message, the rest of the zodiac signs will benefit from aligning themselves with this too.

First of all, today marks Mercury's transition from Aquarius to Pisces. Since we are currently in Pisces Season, this means great things for the collective since our intellect will be aligned with the cosmic flow of energies.


That means more inspiration, better ideas and a greater desire to know the world and make more friends. The latter is mainly because of the inclusive nature of Pisces.



Secondly, Sun conjunct Mercury in Pisces opposite Moon in Leo are highlighted as benefactors today. So you will do well when you stop self-sabotage in its tracks and have faith in yourself and your abilities. Since the Moon will transit to Virgo later tonight, this self-esteem-boosting decision will have a deep (and positive) impact on your life and future.


Just remember: we have a Full Moon tomorrow (in Virgo). So, if you haven't planned a ritual for the same, now's a good time to do so. Moon meditations are just the thing for this! Now, let's focus on the five zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on February 23, 2024.

Five zodiac signs get a fresh start with powerful horoscopes on February 23, 2024:

1. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Aries & Other Virgos

Best area to focus on: Knowledge

Best time of the day: 8 am

Virgo, you are currently in a period that can be compared to a rest stop on a long road trip. Use this time wisely to recharge yourself and be confident. The road ahead will require much out of you; this is the universe's gift to help you on that journey.


Don't let boredom make you fall into bad habits or reach out for exes (whether friends or lovers) who you know are no good for your soul.

If you feel impatient or bored today, reading books, watching fascinating videos or listening to podcasts is recommended for you. Let your heart embark on such fascinating intellectual adventures!

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2. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Aries

Best area to focus on: Games

Best time of the day: 7 pm

Gemini, the energy today is sweet and charming for you. You will feel the best and experience the best when you are in the company of your loved ones and best friends. So, gravitate towards those relationships. Don't let toxic people force you to change your priorities, whether at work, community club or elsewhere.


You will also benefit from letting your inner child come out and play today. So, have fun with your loved ones through games and sports. All ice-breakers are good ice-breakers!

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3. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Other Leos

Best area to focus on: Practising communication

Best time of the day: 2 am

Leo, your intuition is heightened today, mainly because of the Moon. Plus, we have a Full Moon tomorrow. So take advantage of this cosmic gift and make significant headway on your path to your goals. Who knows? You may check a lot of things off your list quicker than expected.


You are also encouraged to practice your communication skills today. It will come in handy in the near future. Some of you may want to join a communication conference or do an online course in this arena, too.

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4. Aquarius

(January 20 - February 18)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Gemini

Best area to focus on: Your choice

Best time of the day: 5 - 6 pm

Aquarius, you are stronger, wiser and heartier than most people give you credit for. But you don't need to worry. The cosmic forces know your talents and potential and are firmly in your corner at this time. So do what's right and speak your mind today. You will not go wrong.


You are also encouraged to exercise your free will and do exactly as you please during your leisure time. Don't give in to people's pleasure or guilt. Let your intuition guide you forward.

RELATED: The Meaning Of The Full Moon In Each Zodiac Sign

5. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)


Best zodiac sign to work with: Taurus & Other Pisces

Best area to focus on: Native vs. Alien

Best time of the day: 8 am/pm

Pisces, the energy urges you to choose your loved ones over those who couldn't care less about you. Your blessings lie with the former, not the latter. So, if you have been facing problems with a certain person (maybe a partner) or some people in your social circle, now's the time to recognize that they don't deserve you and all that you bring to the table. Don't chase after them!

You are also encouraged to think about your personal views on "natives" vs. "aliens" today. There is an opportunity to embrace the world and all its varied wonders. So, don't allow divisive opinions to trap you in small places.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.