3 Zodiac Signs Are Very Lucky In Love On February 25, 2024

We love the one we are with, and that's all that matters right now.

3 Zodiac Signs Are Very Lucky In Love On February 25, 2024 afrial, BGStock72, Artnizu, mezuna from dzul kifli's images | Canva Pro

We've got a Waning Moon in Virgo trine Uranus on February 25, 2024. what that implies for those who can't get their minds off love and romance is that so much of this day will go to flirting and playful behavior.

Let's face it: if we are playing around and teasing our partners, it certainly can't be too terrible a day. What Moon trine Uranus brings us on this day is a really light perspective on love.




We may find that the problems of the 'world' tend to take a backseat, as what's most important to us is what's right in front of our own eyes. This could be our lover or perhaps a beloved family member.

What three zodiac signs will you experience during this transit on February 25, 2024? Serenity and warmth. We love the one we are with, and that's all that matters right now.


This feeling of being able to love, to give love. it's almost like 'rare air.' We might feel heady or even delirious about it, especially if the love we are concentrating on is romantic.

This is quite a day for sharing memorable moments. We feel secure in our bodies, and we are inhibited by the way we use them. We feel trusting and open — and so much of this lends itself to even better days ahead.

Three zodiac signs are very lucky in love on February 25, 2024:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

Coming back home to your romantic partner's need felt so good, as this day, February 25, 2024, shows you just how lucky you are. You might have spent a few days away from them for work or to visit family in another area. Upon your return, you'll see that things have improved. And what's even more awesome is that they were fantastic when you left. What could be better?


Because we have this cosmic lineup of the Waning Moon in Virgo trine Uranus, we are looking at positive change in abundance. It's almost as if you, Taurus, cannot have a 'bad' day on this day simply because the stars are all in your favor, which affects your love life. During Waning Moon in Virgo trine Uranus, you feel as though it's not just blind love; it's specific.

What makes it so specific is that this person of yours has gone out of their way to show you something new to come home to. This could be a physical change in the home or their personality, something they've implemented just for you. You won't be able to love this person more than you do until February 26, when you realize they are the real deal in love and romance.

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2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)


If you thought you had any inhibitions when expressing yourself intimately with your romantic partner, then count this day, February 25, 2024, as the momentous day when you throw aside all that inhibits you.

You can experience a kind of love on this day you've only dreamed about. During this intense transit of the Waning Moon in Virgo trine Uranus, you'll see that expressing yourself physically is much easier than you thought.

As a Scorpio, you feel it's your business to be open and perhaps even a little wild in the bedroom. The very interesting thing is that you've chosen a partner who is totally down for whatever you want to get into. You aren't obsessed with physical love. When you can experience it without inhibition, as you will during the Waning Moon trine Uranus, you'll giggle to yourself throughout the entire day.

This day brings you and your partner closer together, and it will make you both feel as though you share a secret. This secret is yours to keep and is available to no one else in the world. This is part of the foundation that keeps your love alive and it will continue to do so from here on. This is indeed your lucky day in love, Scorpio. Enjoy it all.


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3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

You've never been someone who can fit into any mold, and you're proud of that trait. When you meet a person who might be a potential romantic partner, they, too, have to recognize this in you. You cannot be controlled.

You will not conform to the rules that are set before you. You come with your own rules and standards. What makes this day so special for you, Aquarius, is that this person exists right now and comes into your life on February 25, 2024.

This is exactly what you've been waiting for. As you explore this person's personality, you'll find that they are, indeed, someone who is very, very special. Feeling this way will probably cause you to fall very deeply in love with them.


They can give you what you want; only you know just how specific that is. What you want is this new person's interest, so when like meets like, the world of love opens to you both.

This is a very exciting day, as the Waning Moon in Virgo trine Uranus shows you that you're not just a dreamer but a powerful manifestor of such dreams. What makes you such an individual is not what separates you but what inspires others to want to be near you.

On this day, February 25, 2024, you will see that your unique and individual magic attracts you to the best partner you could ever meet.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.