5 Zodiac Signs See Their Relationships Improve This Week

Decide what you want love to be – and never give up on making it a reality.

5 Zodiac Signs Will See Their Relationships Improve This Week Google Design Icons, Believe_In_Me from Getty Images, Masson | Canva Pro

"Love will always find a way." - L. Byron. To commit to love is to be willing to do whatever it takes truly. Not in the sense that you must fight for what it is you deserve, but to trust that love does always find a way — even if you may be uncertain as to what that is.

To improve a relationship, being willing to go to great lengths is a necessity, as is feeling confident that this person in your life is unique and brings a certain value that no one else can.


When you are confident in the purpose and presence of your partner, it then becomes easier to commit to doing whatever is necessary, not just to improve your relationship but to make it the best it can be.  

The week of March 4 is infused with the energy of both Aries and Pisces. Where Aries represents beginnings and determination, Pisces symbolizes endings and greater connection. Together, they create a picture of being focused on your goals and willing to take a risk into the unknown to make them a reality.


This begins with Mercury shifting into Aries on Saturday, March 9, followed by the New Moon in Pisces on March 10. It truly is a time to tap into what you really want for your relationship and to believe in yourself so deeply that you step into the new beginning your heart needs.  

Mercury in Aries helps you to embrace your desires and wants for your relationship. While you must be mindful of not becoming argumentative, this energy can help you speak up and take action.

The energy of Mercury in Aries enables you to become less concerned about the opinions of others or the doubts about how it will all end up so that you can feel more confident in taking a leap of faith — which is precisely what the Pisces New Moon represents.



As the Pisces Moon begins to separate from Saturn, it's learned its lessons, and it takes greater responsibility for its life. As it edges closer to Neptune, it is filled with the faith that everything is happening in divine timing. Take this energy and trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be, but that to achieve the romantic relationship you desire, you will need to take a leap of faith.  


Horoscopes For The 5 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Improve March 4 -10, 2024 

1. Libra  

(September 23 - October 22) 

You can create whatever you want from love, but to do that, you must start communicating what it is you really need. Mercury will shift into Aries on Saturday, March 9, highlighting your house of relationships, just as the New Moon in Pisces shines awareness on themes of well-being, healing, and health. As much as you've been focused on trying to create a healthier relationship, now is your chance to do it.  

Whether you have been trying to improve an existing connection or attract a healthier, more consistent relationship, it all comes down to the space that you create for love. When you hold your scared boundaries and become more aware of what you will accept and allow, you automatically change who you become attracted to or the relationship itself.

Embrace all forms of communication in the week of March 4 to help you communicate exactly what needs to change in your connection, and remember that there is nothing selfish about putting your own needs first because that is precisely what will allow them to be met.  


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2. Virgo  

(August 23 - September 22) 

The week of March 4 brings an increase in passion as Mercury shifts into Aries, activating your sector of intimacy and transformation. This energy helps you focus on reconnecting with your partner and getting back to the space where you can feel confident in your connection and future. This leads to the beautiful new beginning that the New Moon in Pisces brings to your relationship sector. It's normal to go through phases of disconnect, especially if there's been recent growth within yourself or your relationship. So, to feel connected once again, you often need to be more mindful of how you create spaces for quality time and intimacy.  

Mercury rules over all matters of communication, and in Aries, it helps you discuss those matters that are crucial for your relationship. At the same time, the Pisces New Moon enables you to have greater hope in improving matters, even if it requires a leap of faith or trust that it will.


But you can be proactive by creating the opportunity to reconnect with your partner by planning a quiet night in. getting a sitter for the kids if that is the stage you are in, and genuinely approaching your partner with the mindset of both sharing and receiving what they have to say. Much of the intimate connection is developed outside the bedroom, so by spending time talking and relaxing in a space together, you can rekindle whatever has been lost.  

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3. Sagittarius  

(November 22 - December 21) 

There is currently a great deal on your mind about your relationship. Whether you are considering or expecting a proposal to purchase a home together, right now, your focus is on setting up a stable future for your relationship. In the week of March 4, this will be intensified as Mercury shifts into Aries, highlighting conversations about marriage, children, and the future. Shortly after, the New Moon in Pisces heralds a new beginning in your home sector, representing a certain level of healing. Because of that, you are in the process of deeply committing to your partner, which can mean moving in together or purchasing a home.  


As one of the zodiac signs unfairly known for their lack of romantic commitment, it's important to reflect deeply before making any major decisions. You wholeheartedly deserve the love and commitment you are seeking right now. To really embrace it, you need to ensure you're not holding the past over your head.

Let yourself realize that even if it's not what you would have liked, everything has occurred for a purpose because if it didn't, you wouldn't be here at this moment. And it's this path of lessons that has led to you being more confident in knowing that you are ready for the next step. That love isn't just about fun or passion any longer, but in truly setting up a life for you, your partner, and potentially a family. Believe in yourself, even if you've never experienced the kind of love you are now. Trust that it's real so that you allow yourself to go all in fully.  

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4. Aries  

(March 21 - April 19) 


The time has come to genuinely believe in what you have always hoped love would be. Of course, it hasn't always turned out the way that you have hoped. So it can be intimidating to believe in it once again, but this time, the stars truly are in your favor to not just fall in love — but to remain there as well. Mercury will shift into Aries on Saturday, March 9, lighting up your house of self. This helps you honor your desires and dreams for love more intensely and communicate them as well. As this energy aligns with the New Moon in Pisces, bringing up matters of a soul-deep relationship, you are precisely in the place to make every one of your dreams a reality.  

You are just beginning to move through an exciting period in your life as the Nodes of Fate move through Aries and Libra, helping you see how when you heal yourself, you also tend to make different romantic decisions.

As Mercury shifts into Aries, you will be able to articulate what you want as well as act upon it with greater conviction. This isn't the planning energy of how to make your dreams a reality, but instead choosing to move in the direction of what really resonates with your soul.

But, as the New Moon in Pisces rises, it brings you closer to that soul relationship in which you don't just want to date but truly feel like the entire universe conspired to bring you together. This is the love you've always desired. Now that you're in the place to listen to your heart and not what others say, you can trust that inclination that says, this time, choosing to love isn't a risk.  


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5. Leo  

(July 23 - August 22) 

There could be an ardent desire to take your romantic life in a new direction this week as Mercury moves into Aries ahead of the New Moon in Pisces on Sunday, March 10. The energy of Aries and Pisces highlights new experiences, travel, spirituality, transformation and intimacy. There may be a need to take a risk for what you really want from love without worrying how it will all turn out.

While you may not have garnered the best results in the past by adopting this approach, you are in a different position now than you were before. You've learned more about who you truly are, which means you also know more about what you need from love. Try to trust your intuition around this time and embrace the opportunities for newness when they arrive.  


Pay attention to your inner desires because the week of March 4 will be important to help get your relationship out of any ruts or to begin a brand-new love affair. Long-distance love may be significant for you, especially if you have met someone while on holiday or studying abroad. As much as you've been growing, you should start letting yourself make the decisions that you really resonate with. It doesn't matter if anyone else agrees with what you want if it lights that fire of excitement within your own heart.

Don't be afraid to approach some delicate subjects with your partner, especially if it's around craving something different. Sometimes, the issues in a connection are more about you or your partner than the actual relationship. When you allow yourself to listen to your heart, trust in your ability to move through difficult conversations. Seek to bring in new experiences to the union. You also create the path for the kind of transformation you're really seeking. Trust in your instincts in the week of March 4 so that you can be the one to guide your relationship to more loving and exciting ground.  

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website