Incredible Horoscopes Are In Store For 5 Zodiac Signs On February 19, 2024

Pisces Season begins!

February 19 Horoscopes Are Incredible For 5 Zodiac Signs dimaberlinphotos, Maximusnd from Getty Images | Canva Pro

Have you ever wanted to do something really badly but stopped yourself because it was too "childish" or "lame"? Well, the energy, on February 19, 2024, gives you the permission to break past those conditioned blinders and do something just for your heart. While five zodiac signs will benefit the most from this message — Leo, Virgo, Gemini, Pisces and Cancer — there's something here for the rest of the zodiac signs too.


First of all, Pisces season is officially beginning. Yup, you heard that right. It's that time of the year when the weird is wonderful. So let your inner creative out of the closet, dust off your fancy pants, and be the creative genius you know you are.



Moon in Cancer makes this transition smoother by rallying behind this Piscean energy and reminding us that those who care will never hurt or ridicule you when you try something new or show the beautiful colors in your soul. Those who do will reveal themselves like giant red flags, making it easy for you to steer clear of that minefield. Is anyone else reminded of Minesweeper X?


Ultimately, with the Moon's relationship to the Aquarius stellium of Mars, Venus and Pluto also highlighted, we are reminded that we have free will and get to choose whether we let this cosmic blessing into our life or turn away from it in fear. No judgment, though, if you choose the latter. It's an act of self-love to know you are not ready for the next step ... and an act of courage when you know you are. Now, let's focus on the five zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on February 19, 2024.

Five zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on February 19, 2024:

1. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Virgo

Best area to focus on: Traveling


Best time of the day: 2 am

Leo, dreams do come true. So be your best friend and hype yourself up if you feel low or second-guessing your chosen path. You are transforming into someone exceptional at this time. Once all is said and done, you will know how blessed you were all along.

If you feel called to, it's a good day to plan for a vacation in the near future, whether solo or with your loved ones or significant other. Those of you who are frequent travelers anyway will also experience a boost of good luck while you are on the road and away from home.

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2. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)


Best zodiac sign to work with: Pisces

Best area to focus on: Crying

Best time of the day: 6 am

Virgo, be prepared for some extraordinary new changes. You will receive the rewards of your hard work and diligence over the last many months. Just make sure to accept these gifts with joy and gratitude. Pushing them away or demuring them because of self-esteem issues will only backfire on you.

Also, if you have experienced rough times during your childhood or in your past, now is a good day to be there for yourself and allow yourself a hearty cry. Tears can do wonders, like bring old wounds to the surface and make them evaporate.

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3. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Cancer

Best area to focus on: Reading books

Best time of the day: 2 am

Gemini, take it easy. Whatever your chores and responsibilities might be, be on top of them, but don't take on anything new now. Instead, gift yourself the time you need to fulfill your soul through whatever means feels right to you.

Some of you will especially benefit from reading books, almost as if the universe is conspiring to bring you all the knowledge you need. Let the new normal unfold for you!

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4. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Aries


Best area to focus on: Your choice

Best time of the day: 5 pm

Pisces, your psychic abilities or intuitive gifts will be extra heightened when you are in the company of other people, be it family members, friends, or total strangers. So keep an eye out for signs, synchronicities and strange occurrences. You will gain more insights from them than you can ever imagine.

Also, if you feel called to, allow your inner child to come out and play. Be it through an art project or a fun hobby or activity, now's the time to cherish the deepest parts of you and be your own best friend.

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5. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)

Best zodiac sign to work with: Taurus

Best area to focus on: Your choice

Best time of the day: 7 am

Cancer, you are a force to be reckoned with! Sometimes, you give your power away to people who don't deserve an ounce of your kindness. Beware of this because the universe doesn't want you to waste your blessings on the wrong people and emotional parasites. They are cutting into your success, whether you know it or not.

Given this, now's the time to strengthen your boundaries and practice saying no. Or, practice saying yes to yourself and forget about pleasing others for a change. It will be an act of personal revolution.


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.