What Each Zodiac Sign Can Successfully Manifest This Week

Welcome, soul attractors, to your weekly manifestation reading.

What To Manifest This Week By Journaling, By Zodiac Sign Nur Miftah, Syda Productions, NotjungCg | Canva Pro

Here's what your zodiac sign can manifest the week of February 12 - 28, 2024, by journal writing. 

I hope the past week brought you insights into yourself and your scripting practice. Let's see what this week has in store for you.

Looking at the seven Laws of Attraction can help deepen your understanding of the manifestation process and answer any lingering questions you may have.

The first Law of Attraction is the Law of Manifestation. It's the most famous one, and people often consider it synonymous with LOA.


This one is simple and what we have been working on in the past weeks. The law states that our intentions form our physical world, and where we place focus, we will manifest.

A great way of utilizing this in daily practice is to keep the Law of Attraction affirmations close by to add clarity and focus to what you want in life instead of focusing on what you don't want.

You can achieve this with weekly scripting or journaling prompts, which we already do here. Generally, reading this article and applying the action steps makes you halfway to your goals. The other half is a mix of action tempered with patience.


This week's scripting exercise involves manifesting a foundation for all your other goals. That foundation is money, more money, and the security it brings. Without being too specific, think broadly about your money-making and investing abilities as they pertain to your big life goals. What extra forms of income can you gather to help bring you closer to the source? How can you help others while building your varied sources of wealth?

Start this scripting exercise with the statement, "I get paid to provide value to other people's lives by…." This can be followed by "working on my marketable skillsets such as XYZ, networking with people like XYZ, and searching for better-paid positions in my field."

The stars are both dynamic and conducive to this productive energy and brainstorming, so let's dive in and see what's coming up. On February 12, during the Aries Moon, we balance improvising with confidence and mental clarity. Perfect for action, networking, and connecting with others and ourselves.


Mars in Aquarius on February 13 continues our independent streak, and we want to work hard and make a name for ourselves. The energy is positive and focused. On Valentine's Day, February 14, The Taurus Moon gives us a spendthrift energy that is both practical and logical. This is a good time for long-term financial planning and brainstorming money-making opportunities. February 15 brings Moon conjunct Jupiter, which carries very social and successful energy — expect good news and positive progression in your goals.

RELATED: Relationships Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs The Week Mars Enters Aquarius On February 13

On February 16, the Moon in Gemini lights our mental fire for information and resources. Use this energy for research and planning. On February 18, the Moon in Cancer has you retreat inward. It's a time for recuperating and repairing yourself from the inside out — a perfect note to end the week.

Aries Manifest: Soul tribe

With the Sun in your privacy sector, it's time to explore your sources of emotional health and emotional well-being.


Journal Prompt

How do others help me reduce stress? What does it mean to have someone be there for me?

RELATED: 6 Profound Benefits Of Seeking Out Intergenerational Friendships

Taurus Manifest: Awesome friendships

With the Sun in your friendship sector, you are a social butterfly. It's time to examine your friend group and whether their values align with yours.

Journal Prompt

Write a short fill-in-the-blank about the five closest people to you. Start it as "I gain so much value from {friend} they taught me {xyz value} and have greatly improved my life."

RELATED: 10 Signs You Have A Truly Genuine Friendship

Gemini Manifest: Internal Light

Your attention is currently focused on routines and the foundational elements of your life as the Sun enters your career sector. This is a great time to add activities that make you happy and make doing your work easier.


Journal Prompt

Work on discerning which current activities truly make you light up inside. What is spreading you thin, and what makes you feel energized after participating in it? How can you fit more of the positive activities into your schedule?

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Cancer Manifest: Childlike Wonder

With the Sun in your spirit and adventure actor, you have a renewed sense of childlike wonder and optimism for the future.

Journal Prompt

Consider your current hobbies. What did you love doing in your childhood when you had free time/ are you still interested in any of these hobbies? How can you incorporate them into your life, even if only for a half hour a week?


RELATED: Your Karmic Soulmate, Based On Your Moon Sign

Leo Manifest: Validation

The Sun in your partnership sector has you questioning all your relationships, both professional and personal. Are they serving you, or are you putting in all the effort?

Journal Prompt

One thing you are great at is providing feedback. You validate others, but do they provide the same? First, distill. What words affirm me? Write down any validating words or phrases that resonate with you this week. How often are you hearing this from loved ones, and how can you tell them you could use support at times?

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Virgo Manifest: Destiny

Big things are brewing under the surface for you. Without knowing it, you are laying major foundations that will affect the next several years of your life. The most important thing is bringing things from the dark to the light.

Journal Prompt

What is the one big thing you are currently ignoring? If it is something that brings you fear, what part do you fear and why? What is the likelihood that the worst can happen? Remember that thinking everything will go wrong is as delusional as being overly optimistic. The universe has your back. Breathe deeply.

RELATED: The 12 Universal Laws For Getting The Life You Want

Libra Manifest: Awakening

The Sun in your work and health sector allows for major upgrades in several life areas at once. There is always room to improve, but to see where you're going, check where you've been first.


Journal Prompt

What are two ways your health and work life have improved over the last year? Were these improvements sustainable? If not, what parts of them could you turn into a habit?

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Scorpio Manifest: A Sacred Journey

Expect an uptick in happiness as the Sun movies in your romance and joy sector. Joy can be defined as free self-expression and boundless creativity.

Journal Prompt

How do I define joy? When was the last time you experienced pure, unadulterated joy? Was it a hobby, with a person, or a specific event?

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Sagittarius Manifest: Soul Support 

Focus on reflection and the written word as the Sun moves through your communication sector.

Journal Prompt

Who in your life has been a reliable guide thus far? In times of need, who has been on your side, providing you with the emotional support you need? Likewise, who would you define as a protector in your life, either past or present?

RELATED: 7 Gut-Deep Ways To Let Your Intuition Guide You


Capricorn Manifest: Deep intuition

With the Sun in your resource sector followed by Venus and Mars, your current focus is practical matters. Finances, material comforts, and personal security are all at the forefront for you. You may have some niggling feeling telling you what you don't have, but Cap, you always have everything under control, so worry not. Instead, focus on what is working.

Journal Prompt

What is happening in your life right now that "just works?" whether you created this system yourself or fell into a situation like this, acknowledge what is just really working out for you right now.

RELATED: 8 Ways To Sharpen Your Intuition So Decisions Come Really Easy For You


Aquarius Manifest: Self-acceptance

There may be worries about the year for you. It still seems like things are moving painfully slow, and you really don't like that. Mars is entering your sign this week as the Sun moves out of your zodiac sign by the end of the week. We are still in the first quarter of the year. Patience is your friend.

Journal Prompt

Do you currently feel appreciated in your life? What and how would you define appreciation, and how far do you feel from it currently? Who, if anyone, acknowledges you in a way that excites you?

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Pisces Manifest: Reciprocity

The issue of boundaries comes up again, Pisces; this time, it's time to take them seriously. Some people are worth sacrifices, while others are not. You can discern the difference by their relationship with you and how much they compromise or sacrifice for you accordingly.


Journal Prompt

Which relationships provide reciprocity for you right now? Make a list — one of reciprocal relationships and one that may be one-sided. Why do you think one-sided relationships exist? And if there is no selflessness on the other party's part, what do they provide you of equal value?

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Venita Johnson is the Editor for Horoscopes & Zodiacs, based in New York City. She focuses on journal writing, astrology, tarot and oracle card readings.